Chapter 5

The Prince of Persia



According to Judges 8:33 and 9:46 some of the Israelites made BaalBerith, the pagan god of pagan covenants, their god.  In Iran, Iraq, Rome and the United States BaalBerith is known as "Mithra."  And, this particular deity is well known as Mithra, the Military deity as well.


Then (1998) & Now (2003):  The Downfall of the King of Babylon:  Isaiah 14:3-23 Is A Taunt Against the King of Babylon & Speaks of the Downfall of the King of Babylon and Saddam Hussein the Modern Day King of Babylon fell on December 13, 2003.


The principality behind Nebuchandnezzar, the Biblical King of Babylon and Saddam Hussein, the modern day King of Babylon are both from the same dominion of Babylon.


Saddam Hussein - the Modern Day King of Babylon & the Prince of Persia - the Principality who has "Spiritual" Jurisdiction over the Kingdom of Persia


As Christians, we all know that past events still affect the world today.  For example, Genesis 3 reveals that man fell and sin came into the world and so on.  Therefore, it is important to understand that even though Babylon (modern day Iraq) is no longer part of the Persian Empire - it was at one point in time - and that fact still has a bearing on Iraq. 


There are two very important aspects of the Book of Daniel that I want to point out in regards to Saddam Hussein and the Prince of Persia, a fallen angel, that represented the Persian world power and whose influence Saddam Hussein was under.


1.      The Medo-Persian Empire


Daniel 5:26-31 reveals that Belshazzar, king of the Babylonians was slain and that his kingdom was given to the Medes and Persians.  In other words Babylon (modern day Iraq) at that point in time became part of the Medo-Persian Empire.


Again, keep in mind that ancient Babylon is  now located in modern day Iraq


According to numerous accounts, Saddam Hussein claimed to be a descendant of King Nebuchadnezzar who was the King of Babylon during the days of Daniel


2.      The Prince of Persia


Daniel 10:10-14 reveals the existence of "the prince of the kingdom of Persia" (v13) that withstood the heavenly messenger that was described as a "certain man clothed in linen" (v5) that was sent to Daniel with an answer to his prayer (v12).  

  • Given that the man clothed in linen was a "heavenly messenger" then it is obvious that the one who detained him was also a spiritual being.  Keep in mind our battle is in the heavenlies (Ephesians 6)
  • In other words, the prince of Persia has a "spiritual" jurisdiction over modern day Iraq, meaning he is able to spiritually influence the leaders of Iraq, for example, those like Hussein.
  • v13 also reveals that there are kings of Persia."  In other words there are multiple principalities within this particular "Dominion" of principalities


These Scriptures reveal that even though it appears that we are fighting men and nations, we are in truth wrestling with the powers and forces of the kingdom of darkness who are in league with Satan .


Satan, not wanting Daniel to receive an answer to his prayer, was actually able to use the satanic prince of Persia to detain the heavenly messenger for 21 days from reaching Daniel to give Daniel the understanding he was seeking.  And, Satan will go to that degree to delay an answer to our prayers.


The principalities that exist in the "Invisible Spiritual World" may have an influence on those living in the "Visible Physical world" - but their influence is limited.  We as Christians have the authority in the Name of Jesus to pull down their strongholds. 


It was when one of the strongholds of the prince of Persia, specifically the one over Saddam Hussein, was dislodged that Hussein himself was captured.  According to Revelation 12:12, when a principality is dislodged they rejoice in the heavenlies; however, they bring their wrath to earth.  In other words, that's when Saddam Hussein was captured. 


Every time a Christian takes authority over Satan  and every time a principality is dislodged and every time the Church casts out a demon from someone who is being vexed or bound - and every time an unbeliever's soul is rescued from the demonic and comes into the Kingdom - Satan is being driven out (John 12:3) and comes closer to being cast into the lake of fire and brimstone! (Revelation20:10).  All throughout the Church age, Satan is ever falling!  Luke 10:18


And when every power, rule, authority, principality, demon and Satan himself has "completely Fallen" and made inoperative - in other words fallen under the feet of Jesus - then "The End Cometh" 1 Corinthians 15:24-28


Mithra -

  • Mithra was the god of Covenants
  • and Mithra was a well known Military deity


Judges 8:33 (KJV)
33 And it came to pass, as soon as Gideon was dead, that the children of Israel turned again, and went a whoring after Baalim, and made Baalberith their god.


Judges 9:46 (KJV)
46 And when all the men of the tower of Shechem heard that, they entered into an hold of the house of the god Berith.


Baalberith is a "pagan god of covenants."  In Rome, Iran and Iraq as well as the United States - Baalberith became known as "Mithra".

Mithra's Stronghold:  Underneath the Ground


  • It is important to understand that in ancient times Mithra's stronghold was "underneath the ground" 
  • And, it is important to understand that when I read "the taunt to the Modern Day Nebuchadnezzar" (Isaiah 14) into the spiritual realm it was "underneath the ground".
  • And, that is why Saddam Hussein was captured by the United States "Military" from a hold in the ground.  This hole was symbolic of a Mithric Cave which was his Stronghold as well as symbolic of a grave.


Mithra – A Military Deity


Mithra was an ancient and very popular Indo-Persian god.  Mithra worship was first noted around 1400 B.C. in Persia, modern day Iran and became one of the most popular gods worshipped in the Roman Empire.  By 307 A.D., Mithra had become the patron god of the entire Roman Empire and was especially popular with the military.  Although Mithraism is not currently well known, he was openly worshipped in modern day Iran up to the reign of the Ayatollah in the early 1980’s.  Many Roman Catholic traditions come from Mithra worship, among them, Christmas (Mithra’s natal day).  His influence is found in symbolism at the U.S. Capitol and at the Vatican in Rome.  He has not been dislodged from the heavenlies and is a principality that must be addressed in this present day.


He was a sun god (Sol Invictus) and a military deity.  As such, he is shown often with sunbursts, stars and zodiac signs, and in military garb killing a bull or wielding a sword.  These are all different manifestations or icons (representations) that depict his various roles.  An example of icons representing different roles is found with Jesus where he is described as a lamb (of God), a prince (of peace) and the lion (of the tribe of Judah).  Another way of thinking of this is an ordinary person outfitted with a bathing suit (going to the beach), a business outfit (a business person at work), or army fatigues (national guard duty).  These are all the same person, but represent different offices and functions. 


The Lion Manifestation of Mithra


The particular manifestation of Mithra discussed below is the lion manifestation where Mithra is shown with a man’s body with a snake wrapped around it, a lion’s head, and standing on a cosmic sphere with keys in his hand.  From this icon (representation) and other information and icons, we can start to understand his authority and functions within this manifestation.  In this lion manifestation, Mithra is referred to in Scripture as the "Prince of Persia." 


Figure 5- 1 Lion Manifestation of Mithra

Source: Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries [1]

The Prince of Persia - Daniel 10:13


Daniel 10 describes Daniel’s vision of an angelic being that was sent by Yahweh in response to Daniel’s prayers.  However, this angelic being was resisted and detained for 21 days by the prince and kings of Persia (v 13, 20).  The angel explains his delay by giving Daniel a glimpse of what was going on in the heavenlies.  He explains to Daniel that he had been hindered for 21 days due to the opposition of the geographical principality over Persia, (modern day Iran).  Only when Michael, the prince who protects Yahweh’s people came to his assistance was he able to “leave the heavenly realm” to bring his message to the “earthly realm."  In other words the prince of Persia had an “authority” in the spiritual realm that allowed him in some way to hinder what left the boundary of the spiritual realm into the boundary of the earthly realm.  It is interesting to note that the same word, “prince” (Strong’s: a head of any rank or class), is applied to both Michael and the opposing angelic being.  In other words, Michael and the prince of Persia were of the same rank, but opposite sides.


After delivering his message to Daniel, in verse 20 the angel explains that he must now return to continue his fight against the prince of Persia.  Notice that Michael the archangel was only able to push back the prince of Persia, however the prince of Persia did not lose his place nor was he dislodged.  To return to the heavenlies to continue his battle against the principalities of Persia indicates that this is an on-going battle and we know from Ephesians 6:12 that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 


Principalities and High Places


Matthew 6: 10... “On earth as in Heaven”:  Satan has set up worship on earth that revolves around what is taking place in the heavenlies between the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Heaven.  Satan cannot create - he can only counterfeit so any type of demonic worship here on earth in some way has to relate back to a truth, which Satan will twist and pervert.  The prince of Persia hindering an angel from leaving the heavenly realm to go to the earthly realm is a truth.  Another truth:  Mithredath, a Persian name meaning “given by/to Mithra,” was the treasurer to Cyrus King of Persia.  Ezra 1:9 Cyrus king of Persia had them brought by Mithredath the treasurer...”   


According to Strong’s Concordance the Greek word for principality is “arche."  This Greek word “arche” means “chief in rank”, very similar to the Hebrew word used for “prince."  In other words, a principality is one of Satan’s angelic beings that are first in rank behind him - his generals. 


Satan is a "World Power."  We often hear America (the visible) described as a "World Power" meaning that America is powerful enough to affect the entire world by its influence or actions.  While that may be true, it is only a partial truth.  In other words, there is an invisible world power behind America's visible world power.  


According to John 12:31 Satan (the invisible) is the "Ruler of this world."  In other words, according to Scripture, Satan (the invisible) is behind "all visible" world powers - and these visible world powers are nothing more than tools of Satan.  "All world powers" are under the influence of Satan to one degree or another to further his agenda.  More to the Point, "Satan is "the" World Power."  But, like all world powers who rise to power only to fall - Satan's world power is limited as well and Satan's power of influence is over "unbelievers"- not Believers, at least Believers who are not in willful sin.


Again, John 12:31 reveals that Satan is the "ruler of this world" and 2 Corinthians 4:4 reveals that Satan is god of this world - meaning Satan has a kingdom.  Hence, Satan is the "World Power."  


1 John 5:18-19 reveals that the whole world (of unbelievers) lies in the power of the evil one - meaning the unbeliever is easily influenced by Satan to do his will - to follow Satan's agenda.  On the other hand, verse 18 reveals that the wicked one does not touch those born of God and who do not sin. 


"Ruler of this world" and "god of this world" are not just frivolous titles - they reveal that to some degree the Lord has given Satan the capability and authority to rule over all nations - that Satan is able to influence the mindset of the majority of people.  I say "to some degree" because the LORD is still sovereign and Satan can only operate within the boundaries set by the LORD.  For example, while Scripture, such as Ephesians 2:2; 2 Timothy 21:26 and 1 John 5:19, reveals that unbelievers are under the influence of Satan, Colossians 1:13 reveals that Believers are no longer under the rule of Satan.  In fact, the LORD has given "All Believers" the authority to rule over Satan (Luke 10).


However, just as Satan hid behind the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Satan still prefers to remain hidden (invisible).  For example, Satan is the only world power whose main strategy is to influence people through deception, including the Church, that neither he nor the Kingdom of Darkness really exists.  Luke 10 is one of the Scriptures that can shed light as to "why" Satan wants to remain "invisible" - because if the Church believes he really does exist, then they will take authority over him and his followers.  On the other hand, if he can deceive Believers that he doesn't really exist, then no one will take authority over him.  I believe that the teaching of the 70 that Jesus sent out in Luke 10:17-24 is among those teachings that are important to the advancement of God’s Kingdom.


From Scripture we know that among other things, worship at the High Places included the worship of “heavenly things”:  the stars, the sun, the moon and the host of heaven, which is referring to the principalities (Deuteronomy 4:19).  Psalm 33:6, By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.  The heavens, meaning the stars, moon, etc were created by a “word.”  However, the hosts of angels were created by “breath” meaning they have a spirit.  The fallen angels, also known as principalities, are part of the host of heaven.  Those principalities that have not been dislodged and still have a stronghold in the heavenlies are still part of the Host of Heaven.  Conversely, the Host of Heaven (principalities) worshiped at the High Places are the Fallen Host.  2 Kings 21  3~For he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed; and he reared up altars for Baal, and made a grove, as did Ahab king of Israel; and worshiped all the host of heaven, and served them.


Just as the Holy Spirit gave David the earthly plans for the Temple and all that was to be in it (1 Chronicles 28:11), Satan, not being omnipresent, gives his perverted plans to his principalities that in turn, give them to their earthly representatives.  The principality has in view the completed building and surrounding landscape even before its foundation is laid.  The principalities have the designs and blueprints and through divination on man’s part, the principalities are able to impart these designs to the earthly architects, carpenters or masons to implement the design on earth according to the blueprint.  Divination comes from the word divinus, meaning of or by or for a god, the gods, also inspired by them.  Job 26:4...And whose spirit [inspired what] came forth from you? Amplified Bible.


The principalities make the symbols of the High Places “deceptive” enough to be accepted by those who are not considered to be of the “initiated."  This same symbol, while hiding its true meaning to the uninitiated, must at the same time reveal the more profound meaning to those of the initiated that are familiar with and understand the symbolism. 


The Symbolism of Mithra

As Guardian of the Boundaries Between Heaven and Earth


This takes us back to the Mysteries of Mithra.  Mithra was an astral deity and his temples were decorated with the stars, sun, moon, and the zodiac.  He was a Persian deity who later became the favored deity of the Roman soldiers.  Mithra was a soldier and he was lord of covenants.  Judges 8:33 speaks of “Baal-Berith”, Baal-Berith means “lord of the covenant”; the same deity is called El-Berith meaning “god of the covenant” in 9:46.  Baal-Berith is the Hebrew name for the Persian Mithra. 



Mithra: Guardian of the Boundaries between Heaven and Earth



As lord of the covenant, Mithra is pictured as an angelic being seated on a rainbow – the symbol of covenant


Figure 5- 2 The Symbolism of Mithra as Guardian of the Boundries between Heaven and Earth

Source: The Two Babylons [2]





Again, one of the icons of Mithra is a leontocephaline or lion-headed figure with a snake winding around him. 


He is standing on the cosmic sphere holding keys.  This icon represents the personification of a cosmic boundary.  He is positioned precisely at the level of the zodiac and just beyond.  At the top of the icon there is a gate associated with the sphere of the fixed stars leading to the region beyond that sphere.  Mithra is also holding the keys to the celestial gates.  The body of Mithra extends to the region outside of the zodiac and he is shown standing on a globe.  In other words, his body extends from the celestial realm into the earthly realm indicating that Mithra has control over the process of celestial ascent and descent.  He is the “guardian of the boundaries” between the realms of heaven and earth.  The globe is located on the zodiacal boundary of the universe, while the figure itself extends beyond that boundary, symbolic of the process of boundary crossing.  The serpent entwined around Mithra also symbolizes the boundaries of the universe and in this particular icon the serpent has been identified as the Leviathan.  The Leviathan would be under the dominion of Satan himself who is referred to as a serpent in the Scriptures.  Again, keep in mind that many of Washington, DC's government building are laid out within a "fish" that can be visibly seen on a map. 


Also, keep in mind that Leviathan speaks of any large animal that moves by writhing or wriggling the body such as the Whale as well as a Serpent

Mithra-Lion.jpgSee Figure 5-1


The Biblical "Leviathan" is a reference to more than just one animal.  For example, the word Leviathan means "twisted," "coiled."  It speaks of any large animal that moves by writhing or wriggling the body, the whale, the monsters of the deep and according to Isaiah 27:1 "leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent." 


Psalm 104:26 (KJV)
26 There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.


Job 41:1 (KJV)
1 Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?


Isaiah 27:1 (KJV)
1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. 

Job 3:8 (NKJV)
8 May those curse it who curse the day, Those who are ready to arouse Leviathan.


According to Strong's 3882 - Leviathan is from H3867 and means:  a wreathed animal, i.e. a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea-monster); figurative the constellation of the dragon; also as a symbol of Babylon :- leviathan, mourning. 


And according to Strong's H3867 which is the primitive root for Leviathan - the word means properly to twine, i.e. (by implication) to unite, to remain; also to borrow (as a form of obligation) or (causative) to lend :- abide with, borrow (-er), cleave, join (self), lend (-er).



Mithra’s Place of Worship: An Underground Cave


The third century Neoplatonist, Porphyry, who indicated that the mithraea, the place where the followers of Mithra met, were designed to look like caves, substantiates this.  These caves were symbolic of earth while the stars overhead and on Mithra’s clothing were symbolic of the heavenlies.  There were also openings found in Mithraic sanctuaries that were used for the purposes of astronomical observatories.  Porphyry also indicates that Mithra was given authority over all celestial gateways of ascent and descent.



Figure 5- 3 Mithra in a Cave Slaying a Bull

Source: The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries [3]


Keys are symbols of authority and keys are used to open and close doors.  Given the other symbols, those of the position of Mithra’s body in the heavenlies and on earth, the keys that Mithra is shown holding would be symbolic of his authority between the two realms.  In other words, Mithra has the authority in the spiritual realm to guard the “thresholds” or “gateways” between the cosmic realms or cosmic boundaries of heaven and earth - a type of mediator between the two realms. 


Mithra and the Principalities over Persia


The similarities between the Persian deity, Mithra, and the prince of Persia found in Scripture seem to support one another.  The principality Mithra is a Persian deity who was ruling over the geographical area of Persia where Daniel was living at the time and had been worshipped there for almost 800 years, and had authority over boundaries between heaven and earth which would give him the right to oppose and delay the angel of God coming in answer to Daniel’s prayers. 


Another icon of Mithra is submitted as a final bit of evidence.  In this icon there are two figures of youths who seem to be identical to Mithra.  These two youths are thought to be manifestations of Mithra himself.  Each of them is holding a burning torch.  While one of the youths holds the burning torch upwards the other youth holds his burning torch downwards.  I believe that the torch pointed upward is symbolic of the heavenlies while the torch pointed downward is symbolic of the earthly realm.  Again, the torch up and the torch down symbolizes Mithra’s role as guardian of the boundaries between the cosmic sphere and the earthly sphere.


A final piece of symbolism links Mithra to the prince of Persia.  In Deuteronomy 32, Moses describes Yahweh as our “Rock”, “For their rock is not like our Rock, as even our enemies concede." (Deut 32:31)  “Their rock” identifies the god of Israel’s enemy.  But who is “their rock”?  Verse 17 tells us that the Israelites sacrificed to demons, to gods they had not known, gods that recently appeared, gods their fathers did not fear.  In Verse 16, 18, and 31 Moses declares that the Israelites have rejected their Rock in favor of another “rock, which I believe refers to Mithra. 


Depending on the desired message to be conveyed to Mithra’s worshipers, the icons either portrayed Mithra as being born of a “Virgin Birth according to the Babylonian mother-goddess worship” or born from a “rock” symbolizing the cave where his worship took place.  When the purposes of the symbolism is designed to covey Mithra’s role alongside the Queen of Heaven and the Mother goddess worship, then the icon will portray Mithra as an infant seated in the arms of a mother who is angelic and regal, sometimes seated on a rainbow. 


While Mithra’s birth from a rock is still symbolic of a virgin birth (to the pagans the rock symbolizes mother earth), the rock was also symbolic of the cave where Mithra’s worship took place.  The “cave” is significant in that the pagan worship of Mithra is still taking place today in these “caves."  Mithra’s birth from a rock is the counterfeit of Deuteronomy 32:18~You deserted the Rock, who fathered you; you forgot the God who gave you birth.  Both the rock and the cave are connected to “The Beast Out of the Earth” described in Revelation 13. 




Moses indicates that “their rock” was a new god, one that their fathers had not known about.  Given that the approximate date that the Book of Deuteronomy was written (circa 1406 B.C.), then it would seem logical that this new god would also have appeared around the same time. 


It was around 1400 B.C. that a new god that Israel had not known before was given birth from a rock and this birth took place in Persia.  The first recorded history of the Persian deity Mithra was recorded in 1400 B.C. within six years of the date given for the Book of Deuteronomy.  It is also of importance to note the dates that the Books of Ezra and Daniel 10 were written.  The Book of Ezra, which mentions “Mithredath” was written around 440 B.C. and Chapter 10 of the Book of Daniel, regarding the Prince of Persia was written around 536 B.C.  These dates are significant in that they were both written well after the first recorded history of Mithra, the greatest patron deity of Persia.   


The Apotheosis of Washington


The Apotheosis of Washington is the most important feature of the Capitol’s Rotunda.  It is an allegorical painting over the eye of the dome as seen from inside the Rotunda and portrays historical figures of American leadership combined with those of pagan deities.  For example, Washington is deified as a triune god, including the personification of the god Jupiter, the Persian god, Mithra, and as a god himself in human form.  Washington is surrounded by numerous other deities, including a composite of Liberty/ Bellona seated to his right and a composite of Victory/Fame seated to his left, and finally, the goddess directly beneath Washington was a composite of America and Freedom.  As composites, the deities can be understood as One deity Out of Many as well as Many deities Out of One.


“The focal point of the great Rotunda is the canopy of the dome where the fresco, ‘The Apotheosis of George Washington,’ may be seen 180 feet above the Rotunda floor. … It is an allegorical painting which combines mythological and historical figures. In the center, Washington apotheosized, is seated in majesty. On his right is the Goddess of Liberty and on his left is a winged figure, symbolic of Victory and Fame, sounding a trumpet.”[4] (emphasis added)


“The iconography of the canopy fresco, with its conjunctions of deities and humans, may seem strange to us today. However, in the mid-nineteenth century the personification of abstract ideas by means of figures drawn from classical mythology and the association of historical figures such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin with these was part of the cultural vocabulary. The gods and goddesses stood allegorically for universal virtues embodied in popular historical personalities. Thus Washington sits enthroned in the pose of all-powerful Jupiter, …”[5] (emphasis added) 


I want to point out that the rainbow that Washington is seated on clearly identifies the influence of Mithra.  


The Apotheosis of Washington is an excellent example of the double use of iconography.


What is Revealed: the theme of gods and goddess are not generally viewed as out of the ordinary, rather, they are accepted as part of secular history and are commonplace – harmless so to speak.  As a result, the public would not object to Washington being defied as a god or portrayed as the human representative of the pagan god Jupiter or for the purposes of this Chapter, the pagan god Mithra. Rather than be offensive, The Apotheosis of Washington would be accepted at face value: a beautiful work of art, but meaningless in nature. That is exactly what was meant to be conveyed to those they felt could not even begin to grasp the deeper things of the spiritual realm (i.e., meaningless and harmless in nature).


What is Concealed: On the other hand, antiquity appealed to the intellect of Jefferson and Washington who believed that as intelligent men they understood what the common people did not: the deeper things of the spiritual realm, which are nothing more than “Satan’s so-called deep secrets” (Revelation  2:24).  As a result, our Founding Fathers as well as the general public were under deception.  The public did not understand the true intentions of Jefferson and Washington.  Then again, Jefferson and Washington did not understand the wiles of the enemy; they themselves were under self-deception.


Romans 1:21-23 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.(KJV, emphasis added)


In The Apotheosis of Washington, they changed the glory and majesty of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and animals.  The following is a picture of The Apotheosis of Washington in its entirety.  As we go along, several close-ups will be included as well.


Figure 5- 4 The Apotheosis of Washington (annotated)

Source: Art in the United States Capitol [6]


The symbolism of the three seated directly over the rainbow is key to the spiritual interpretation of the allegory of The Apotheosis of Washington and the inscription, E Plurbis Unum.  Of Mithra’s many manifestations, it was when he was portrayed seated over a rainbow that he was identified as “god of the covenant” – the mediator between men and the gods.  Therefore, Washington seated over the rainbow conveys the idea that as the human representative of Mithra, Washington was acting as a mediator on behalf of the gods who had entered into a “spiritual covenant” with mankind.  The gods surrounding Washington were witnesses to the covenant.  


The following picture is of a close-up of Washington, Liberty and Victory seated alongside one another in The Apotheosis of Washington.  


Figure 5- 5 Washington as a Composite of Jupiter and Mithra

Source: Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol [7]


Even though all three of these gods are seated alongside one another, they are not all equal.  There is a chain of command within the dominion of a principality; therefore, the positioning and posture of the gods in relationship to one another is significant.


Liberty is seated shoulder to shoulder with Washington while Victory is seated slightly below the two.  Minerva is seated to the right denoting the place of honor.  Washington’s right foot is pointed towards Victory, indicating that she is seated at the foot of Washington.


When Washington points to the Constitution, he is directing our attention to Liberty as well as to the Constitution.  Liberty, not Washington, is the one who is holding the Constitution and Washington acknowledges his regard for this particular deity, which links the American Constitution to the spiritual realm and to a spiritual covenant.  In return, Liberty sets her eyes towards Washington, yet Victory, who sits at the foot of Washington, looks away from him.  The symbolism here is of a man going into covenant with pagan gods and even more significant, is that the man was the first president of the United Sates.


The worship of pagan gods was and is not just a meaningless tradition of man carried over from antiquity.  It was a bona fide religion.  The spirits that operate behind these pagan deities are the angels that fell when Satan fell.  As previously mentioned, Scripture clearly reveals that these pagan gods rule over geographical areas and have human representatives that maintain places of worship for them.


Covenants and Pagan Deities


The Apotheosis of Washington reveals that the first President of the United States, like the Roman Senators of antiquity, went into covenant with these principalities.  The United States Capitol was and is a place of worship for these same principalities and there are those who knowingly continue to maintain the Capitol as a temple in reverence of these pagan deities.  Not only did Jefferson and other lawmakers of America want to meet on a hill symbolic of the hill where Rome’s lawmakers met, it is obvious they also wanted to honor the Roman lawmaker’s reverence to the pagan gods of Capitoline Hill.


Capitoline Hill was at the very center of Rome’s political and religious existence.  The lawmakers identified with the pagan gods and worshipped them accordingly.  One did not exist apart from the other.  Lawmakers were known to have taken their vows in front of Jupiter who was concerned with oaths, treaties and leagues.  Likewise, George Washington and the other American patriots were also portrayed taking an oath before Jupiter.


“The iconography of the panels decorating the south wing (which was to contain the House of Representatives) is derived from the most powerful ancient god, Jupiter, … In the central panel, a single standing figure (representing either collective American patriots or Washington) takes an oath before the seated Jupiter … king of the gods in Roman mythology … Oaths in ancient Rome were taken at the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, located on the Capitoline hill.”[8] 


However, Scripture clearly warns man not to make covenants with pagan deities.  The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was very clear that the Israelites were not to make covenants with either the pagans or their gods:


Exodus 23:32-33 32Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.(KJV, emphasis added)


Joshua 23:7 7That ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them” (KJV)


Nonetheless, the Israelites entered into covenants with the pagan gods, among them “Baal-berith”, the Canaanite “god of covenants and oaths” (Judges 8:33, 9:4, 46).  The angels that fell with Satan are the satanic spirits operating behind Baal-berith and the other deities that the pagans worshipped as their gods. Baal-berith, as well as all other Baals, are the ruling principalities within the hierarchy of the fallen angels.  The iconography at the Capitol suggests that America’s Founding Fathers entered into covenants with these same pagan gods as well.


Over time, the worship of Baal-berith found its way into other countries, including Iran and Rome, where this deity was known as Mithra.  Interestingly, Mithraism dates back to Biblical times when Cyrus was king of Persia (modern day Iran) (Ezra 1:8).  The name of Cyrus’s treasurer was “Mithredath”, which meant that he was either “given by Mithra” or “dedicated to Mithra."  Highly praised as a military deity as well as god of covenants, Mithra along with Jupiter was eagerly embraced by the Roman military as one of their foremost gods. Obviously, as Jupiter was also a god concerned with covenants, treaties and oaths, somewhere along the way the attributes of Baal-berith became incorporated into Jupiter’s identity as well as that of Mithra.


Finally, the worship of Mithra, like Jupiter, was brought to America where the attributes of these two military deities were combined with the attributes of George Washington, America’s military hero. As such, they are portrayed as one deity with Washington as their human representative in The Apotheosis of Washington.  This is another example of E pluribus Unum: One out of Many – Many out of One.


In antiquity, Mithraism was Christianity’s main rival. It is interesting that the symbolism of Mithra, albeit hidden, was incorporated into the images of George Washington defied as a god. Then again, our forefathers wanted to be “Liberated from Christianity."


As in other countries, as the worship of the ancient gods were taken from one country to another and given new names, America’s forefathers renamed the ancient gods with names that Americans could identify with. However, the manner in how one change came about is most surprising. When Washington was portrayed as the human representative of the pagan gods Jupiter and Mithra, over time his identity became more prominent than that of either Mithra or Jupiter. He was no longer only seen as a “representation” of a pagan god – he was viewed as a god. In other words, Mithra and Jupiter became “Americanized” through the image of George Washington.


The Pagan’s Symbolism of the Rainbow


Interestingly, the worship of Mithra was later embraced by the Freemasons.  As a Freemason, George Washington would have participated in the many rituals that revolved around this particular principality.  As both a soldier and a Freemason, Washington would have held this particular deity in the highest regard.


Over time the worship of this principality evolved and/or changed.  For example, both the Roman military and Freemasons met in caves or underground holes to pay homage to this military deity.  In fact, there is a cave located in Charles Town, West Virginia known as "George Washington's Cave" where he and other Masons met - hence the underground tomb at the US Capitol and the underground grave where Saddam was found hiding. 


Washington's Masonic Cave:  Tradition has it that George Washington along with other fellow Masons met in a large three-room cave in Charles Town, West Virginia.  This cave, known as "George Washington's Cave" or the "Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson" was the first Masonic meeting place west of the Blue Ridge.  Again, this is another link of George Washington and the Masons to the military deity "Mithra" whose followers met underground in a cave.[9] [10]  (see Figure 5-6 and Figures 5-7 to 5-9 below)


Of Mithra’s many attributes, it was when he was portrayed seated over a rainbow that he was identified as “god of the covenant”, the “mediator between men and the gods.”[11]  Therefore, Washington seated over the rainbow conveys the idea that as the human representative of Mithra, Washington was acting as a mediator on behalf of the gods who had entered into a “spiritual covenant” with mankind. The gods surrounding Washington were witness to the covenant. Washington, as a military deity, was god of the covenant. The pagan’s perversion of God’s rainbow as a sign of the Noahic covenant (Genesis 9:12-17) was only one expression of these satanic spirits.  Another was the color, purple.


  • At one time President Bush Senior and Saddam Hussein were friends
  • America and Iraqi had been in covenant with one another
  • America supplied Iraq with weapons to fight Iran – and the Iranians have never forgotten that fact
  • Saddam Hussein betrayed President Bush Senior when he invaded Kuwait
  • And, in turn President Bush Senior sent American troops to Kuwait to force Saddam Hussein to retreat
  • In turn Saddam Hussein attempted to assassinate President Bush Senior
  • And, in turn, President Bush Junior invaded Iraq and settled the score for the Bush family  








Washington's Masonic (Mithraic) Cave in West Virginia


Figure 5- 6 George Washington Trail in West Virginia

Source: West Virginia Trails website, "George Washington Trail in West Virginia” [12]


The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jeffersonp.1


Figure 5- 7 The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson, p.1

Source: Mt. Nebo Lodge No. 91, Shepherdstown, WV website, "The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson," [13]


The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson - p.2


Figure 5- 8 The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson, p.2

Source: Mt. Nebo Lodge No. 91, Shepherdstown, WV website, "The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson,"



Figure 5- 9 The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson, p.3

Source: Mt. Nebo Lodge No. 91, Shepherdstown, WV website, "The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson,"



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List of Figures



Figure 5- 1 Lion Manifestation of Mithra

Figure 5- 2 The Symbolism of Mithra as Guardian of the Boundries between Heaven and Earth

Figure 5- 3 Mithra in a Cave Slaying a Bull

Figure 5- 4 The Apotheosis of Washington (annotated)

Figure 5- 5 Washington as a Composite of Jupiter and Mithra

Figure 5- 6 George Washington Trail in West Virginia

Figure 5- 7 The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson, p.1

Figure 5- 8 The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson, p.2

Figure 5- 9 The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson, p.3




[1] David Ulansey, The Origin of the Mithraic Mysteries

[2] Alexander Hislop, "The Two Babylons," p.70

[3] David Ulansey, The Origin of the Mithraic Mysteries

[4] Architect of the Capitol, Art in the United States Capitol, p.302

[5] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.148

[6] Architect of the Capitol, Art in the United States Capitol, p.303

[7] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.128 (picture without annotations)

[8] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.41

[9] West Virginia Trails website, "George Washington Trail in West Virginia,”

[10] Mt. Nebo Lodge No. 91, Shepherdstown, West Virginia website, "The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson,"

[11] Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, p.70

[12] West Virginia Trails website, "George Washington Trail in West Virginia,”

[13] Mt. Nebo Lodge No. 91, Shepherdstown, West Virginia website, "The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson,"