Chapter 2




Biblically speaking, there is always a spiritual dimension to the earthly. One is not inconsistent with the other, as one cannot exist without the other.  While the spiritual dimension is "invisible" to the naked eye - the earthly is "visible."  For example, Scripture reveals that from the beginning of time that Satan (the invisible) was the real force behind the serpent (the visible) that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden.  We see this principle all throughout the Bible - from Genesis to Revelation.  And, so it is today.


Yet, 1 Corinthians 2:13-15 reveals that there are people who will never understand the spiritual realm. 


1 Corinthians 2:13-15 13 And we are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the [Holy] Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual truths with spiritual language [to those who possess the Holy Spirit].  14 But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.  15 But the spiritual man tries all things [he examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things], yet is himself to be put on trial and judged by no one [he can read the meaning of everything, but no one can properly discern or appraise or get an insight into him].  (Amplified Bible) 


And so it was with the war between Iraq and America:  there was a spiritual aspect behind everything that happened in the natural: however, not everyone could discern the spiritual.  Thus, the purpose of this Book is to explain the spiritual aspects of that war as far as it concerns America - in particular our Lawmakers. 


To do so, one has to go all the way back to the very founding of America and examine, investigate, inquire and question such things as the iconography all throughout the United States Capitol.  As 1 Corinthians 2:15 suggests, we have to "examine, investigate, inquire into and question" all things to be able to discern the spiritual aspects of the map pictured on the front cover of this book that reveals the outline of a large fish that surrounds the Capitol and the Capitol mall to understand that the shape of this fish spiritually connects America to Iraq. 


After examining, investigating, inquiring into and questioning the iconography found throughout the US Capitol, we find that the iconography reveals that our founding fathers were indeed very religious men; however, the iconography reveals it was a reverence for the pagan gods of antiquity.  For example, in The Apotheosis of Washington painted on the inside of the Capitol's Rotunda, George Washington is portrayed elevated to the status of the pagan deity Jupiter and Mithra.  While we see evidence of pagan deities throughout the Capitol, where do we see the Name of Jesus?  After all, Scripture reveals that the way to God the Father, the only true God, is through Christ Jesus - John 14 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.  Needless to say, the Founding Fathers understood the spiritual behind the natural - but from a pagan perspective. 


A Satanic Spirit of Confusion


As Christians, we know from Scripture that the God we serve, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is a God of order.  The teaching of God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit is easy to understand and grasp.  In other words, there is nothing confusing about this doctrine.


On the other hand, in his heart Satan said that he would be like God (Isaiah 14:13-14). Therefore, because God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are One (1John 5:7), we should not be surprised that Satan’s counterfeit of “one” were composites of multiple gods portrayed as one.  The goddess, Liberty, eventually became a composite of various other gods and goddesses, including their various forms of worship.  This coalition is summed up in the motto on the Great Seal of the United States: E pluribus Unum, meaning, “One Out of Many” or “Out of Many, One."


When America’s Founding Fathers failed to clarify the identity of God, a door was left open for a spirit of confusion to operate. Many Americans believe that our Founding Fathers were Christians – others believe that they were not.  This confusion over who they were and who they were not has resulted in confusion as to how to interpret the Constitution regarding church and state.


Likewise, iconography is meant to confuse people.  After examining, investigating, inquiring into and questioning the iconography at the US Capitol, the iconography reveals that one signal image is a composite of multiple deities.  Then again, Isaiah 41:29 reveals that molten images are wind and "confusion" - so we should not be surprised at the composites.    


For example, the following two quotes touch on the representation of Liberty in her role atop the Capitol’s dome as “one god fashioned out of many gods”: 


“Once again, one single concept was not large enough to encompass the spirit of America, and Crawford combined features associated with Athena, Hercules, Liberty, and America to create a suitable symbol."[1]  (emphasis added)


 “This third and final version of the dome statue of Liberty addresses concerns about Indians and slavery.  Freedom, according to the artist, remains the focus of the statue, whether in the official title, Statue of Freedom, preferred by the current (1991) Architect of the Capitol, or the more accurate title given by Crawford and used by Jefferson Davis, Armed Liberty, which accurately conflates the two ideas manifest in this combined rendering of Minerva and Liberty. … Jefferson Davis’s rejection of the liberty cap and his recommendation of a ‘helmet’ led to Crawford’s conflation of three traditional allegories: Liberty, Minerva, and America.”[2]  (emphasis added)


As can be seen, Liberty is a composite of at least six deities: Liberty, Freedom, Minerva, Athena, Hercules and America.  And, when one considers the attributes of Mithra are visible as well then there are at least seven deities that make up this Composite.  Hence, “One Out of Many” and “Out of Many, One”.


Liberty is also a composite of the different forms of worship associated with each of the deities incorporated into her personification and as a result, she became America’s New Secular Religion. In other words, out of one religion came many religions. As a result, America embraces Freedom of Religion and Religious Toleration.


What God?


When America’s Founding Fathers failed to clarify the identity of "what" God, a door was left open for a spirit of confusion to operate. Many Americans believe that our Founding Fathers were Christians – others believe that they were not. This confusion over who they were and who they were not has resulted in confusion as to how to interpret the Constitution regarding church and state.


Where is the Name of Jesus?

     The Name Above all Names!


More to the point, while we see evidence of pagan deities throughout the Capitol - where do we see the Name of Jesus?  After all, Scripture reveals that the way to the Father is through Christ Jesus - John 14 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. 


Needless to say, the many gods that Paul is referring to in 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 are false gods because verse 4 focuses on idols.  Given the point in time that Corinthians was written, then Paul may have been referring to the gods and idols of Greek and Roman mythology - the very deities woven into the Capitol's iconography.  Whether in heaven or earth, Paul points out these gods are not really gods.  And in verse 6, Paul points out that there is only "One" God. 


A Satanic Spirit of Confusion


With the understanding that the iconography at the US Capitol was meant to be confusing and that the meaning behind the idols at the Capitol are multifaceted, then hopefully whoever reads this book will understand that I am only attempting to address the spiritual dimensions as they pertain to America and Iraq.  Other manifestations of the same pagan deity or deities will be addressed in other books as appropriate.


Because he was portrayed as more than one deity at times, George Washington was influenced by a particular spirit - then later, he was influenced by a different spirit.  At times, Washington was portrayed as Jupiter and at other times as Mithra and so on.  One has to keep in mind that as a Freemason, what Washington believed in, who is was, who he was not and what he stood for was multifaceted. That is why they used iconography to communicate – to reveal - to conceal – and "to confuse." 


The Gift of Discerning of spirits:  It may seem confusing – but only to some!  The Gift of Discerning of spirits is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that enables those of us who have that gift to discern the difference between the Holy Spirit, the spirit of man and devils.  


Again, when America’s Founding Fathers failed to clarify the identity of God, a door was left open for a spirit of confusion to operate.  Another way to say the same thing is that when they incorporated the images of pagan deities into their iconography they gave these very pagan gods of antiquity legal access to operate over America.


The following quote from Morals and Dogma makes it clear that Freemasons understood that the words spoken by Freemasons regarding religion did not inform others of what that word meant to them. Pike states:

All religious expression is symbolism … To present a visible symbol to the eye of another is not necessarily to inform him of the meaning which that symbol has to you. … For as with the visible symbol, so with the word: to utter it to you does not inform you of the exact meaning which it has to me; …”[3] (emphasis added)             


Let your yes be yes and your no be no:  The Apostle Paul explained  that this type of communication is worldly and that Christians are not to communicate in this way. We are to let our yes mean yes and our no mean no.  Our communication is not to be left open to interpretation where it can mean more than one thing.  Our communication, regardless of the manner in which we communicate, should be such that a spirit of confusion cannot operate.


2 Corinthians 1:17-20 17“Now because I changed my original plan, was I being unstable and capricious? Or what I plan, do I plan according to the flesh [like a worldly man], ready to say Yes, yes, [when it may mean] No, no? 18 As surely as God is trustworthy and faithful and means what He says, our speech and message to you have not been Yes [that might mean] No. [19] For the Son of God, Christ Jesus (the Messiah), Who has been preached among you by us, by myself, Silvanus, and Timothy, was not Yes and No; but in Him is [always the divine] Yes. [20] For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their Yes [answer] in Him [Christ]. For this reason we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God through Him [in His Person and by His agency] to the glory of God.”  (Amplified Bible)


There are different Manifestations of the same spirit: 


For example, the spirit operating behind the Great Fish that is shown on the front cover of this book has more than one manifestation


In the context of Scripture, Leviathan is any large sea-monster including a serpent:  "Isaiah 27:1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. 


Leviathan, the great fish, is also a Symbol of Babylon (Iraq) and comes from a primitive root that means "To Borrow as a form of Obligation" - to lend in the sense the borrow joins himself to the lender.  We know that Scripture identifies Satan as that old ancient serpent - Revelation 12:12.  Hence, in lending and borrowing with other nations, America has joined herself to that old ancient serpent, the devil.


Ezekiel 28:16 reveals that by the abundance of his trading the king of Tyre became filled with violence within and sinned. We know this verse is a reference to Satan because verse 13 reveals that the king of Tyre was in the Garden of Eden.


So, we should not be surprised that America borrowed money and went into debt  to finance the war in Iraq.  As reported in The Washington Post in September, 2010,  "There is no question that the Iraq war added substantially to the federal debt.  This was the first time in American history that the government cut taxes as it went to war.  The result: a war completely funded by borrowing. ...As a result of two costly wars funded by debt, our fiscal house was in dismal shape even before the financial crisis – and those fiscal woes compounded the downturn."[4]

A Satanic Spirit of Confusion


Pike further states that Christianity is merely a mixture of paganism: “The God of nineteen-twentieths of the Christian world is only Bel, Moloch, Zeus, or at best Osiris, Mithras, or Adonai, under another name, worshipped with the old Pagan ceremonies and ritualistic formulas. It is the Statue of Olympian Jove worshipped as the Father, in the Christian Church that was a Pagan Temple; it is the Statue of Venus, become the Virgin Mary.”[5] 


George Washington the Freemason:  Pike's thinking was embraced by all Freemasons including George Washington.  So, it should not surprise anyone that while the image of George Washington in the Apotheosis of Washington portrays him as Jupiter, that same image also portrays him as Zeus as well as the Persian (Iranian) military deity known as Mithra. Whether George Washington is viewed as Jupiter, Zeus or Mithra or all three depends on who is viewing the mural and his or her knowledge of the various pagan deities.


According to 2 Kings 17:25-41 the worship of false gods can be taken from one geographical location to other geographical areas. 


As people moved from one country to another they took their national gods with them and just renamed them according to the language of the country in which they were now living. For example, when the worship of the Persian military deity, Mithra, became popular in Rome, Mithra was either worshipped as Mithra or became known by the Latin name Jupiter.  And, in order to make their national god compatible with the existing beliefs of the nation they moved to, they would incorporate the attributes of their god with that of the new gods and vice versa.  


Furthermore, Jupiter and Zeus are also one and the same pagan deity – Jupiter is the Latin name for the Greek Zeus who was the national god of the Greeks. That’s why the King James translation refers to the pagan deity in Acts 14:12 as “Jupiter”, while other translations, such as the Amplified Bible and NIV, refer to the same pagan deity as “Zeus.”  It may seem confusing – but then again, Satan is the god of confusion.


Obviously, when America’s founding fathers invoked the name of God, we really don’t know which or how many founding fathers were referring to the God of Christianity.  Likewise, we do not really know what other gods were being invoked or by whom.


Syncretism: And, surprisingly, even to this day, we find that many of our Christian Churches, they too have combined paganism with the worship of the only true God.  To combine Christianity with paganism is known as “syncretism”, meaning to combine two religions that oppose one another. A Scriptural example is found in 2 Kings 17:24-41 of people who attempted to worship the LORD alongside their pagan deities:


And, according to Jeremiah 48:32 satanic influence can spread from one nation to another.


Satanic Influence Spreads from one nation to another


The Prophet Jeremiah gives us an idea as to how the "spiritual influence" of one geographical area can spread to another geographical area.  Jeremiah was using the symbolism of spreading vines to convey a spiritual truth.  Just as vines that grow and spread in a garden can cause destruction to crops – “spiritual influence” can grow and spread like tendrils from one geographical area to another causing destruction. 


Jeremiah 48:32 32 O vines of Sibmah, I weep for you more than the weeping of Jazer [over its ruins and wasted vineyards]. Your tendrils [of influence] have gone over the sea, reaching even to Jazer. The destroyer has fallen upon your summer fruit harvest and your [season’s] crop of grapes.  Amplified Bible


Jeremiah describes the physical spread of vines that are symbolic of "Spiritual Vines" or cords that spread across the sea.  As it relates to America, these spiritual vines represent the spiritual influence of the pagan civilizations of antiquity that our founding fathers were influenced by and embraced.  Concerning America, the "Influence" of the lawmakers of antiquity and their false gods became "spiritual vines or cords" that "bound" America to many countries and for the purposes of this section, I want to explore Iraq – modern-day Babylon.


“Tendrils of influence” or "spiritual cords" bind America to Iraq and describes the Babylonian influence  produced by the tendrils that sprung up and started to grow from the roots planted by our founding fathers when they incorporated the ideology of the ancient Babylonians into the founding of America.  As these tendrils continue to grow and reach maturity, they continue to influence America in a way that will be extremely destructive to our country.


The worship of a false god

can be taken from one geographical location to another nation


Again, according to 2 Kings 17:25-41 the Worship of False gods can be taken from one geographical location to other geographical areas. 


And, even after learning about the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  these same people still never gave up their idolatry for their own national deities.  Rather they incorporated the worship of the true God with that of their national pagan gods. 


As you read 2 Kings 17:25-41 take note that seven national pagan deities are recorded in this Chapter alone.


2 Kings 17:26-41 26 Wherefore they spake to the king of Assyria, saying, The nations which thou hast removed, and placed in the cities of Samaria, know not the manner of the God of the land: therefore he hath sent lions among them, and, behold, they slay them, because they know not the manner of the God of the land. 27 Then the king of Assyria commanded, saying, Carry thither one of the priests whom ye brought from thence; and let them go and dwell there, and let him teach them the manner of the God of the land. ...             29 Howbeit every nation made gods of their own, and put them in the houses of the high places which the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt. 30 And the men of Babylon made Succothbenoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima, 31 And the Avites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim. ... 33 They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence. 34 Unto this day they do after the former manners: they fear not the LORD, neither do they after their statutes, or after their ordinances, or after the law and commandment which the LORD commanded the children of Jacob, whom he named Israel; 35 With whom the LORD had made a covenant, and charged them, saying, Ye shall not fear other gods, nor bow yourselves to them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them: 36 But the LORD, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt with great power and a stretched out arm, him shall ye fear, and him shall ye worship, and to him shall ye do sacrifice. 37 And the statutes, and the ordinances, and the law, and the commandment, which he wrote for you, ye shall observe to do for evermore; and ye shall not fear other gods. 38 And the covenant that I have made with you ye shall not forget; neither shall ye fear other gods. 39 But the LORD your God ye shall fear; and he shall deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies. 40 Howbeit they did not hearken, but they did after their former manner. 41 So these nations feared the LORD, and served their graven images, both their children, and their children's children: as did their fathers, so do they unto this day. (KJV)


Daniel 10 reveals that principalities are over nations in the sense that they are interested in the earthly affairs of mankind and this belief has been incorporated into the iconography at the US Capitol.

National gods


The worship of many false gods from antiquity found their way to America



America's Founding Fathers & Freedom of Religion:  Anyone who understands the spiritual behind the natural can see that the iconography all throughout our nation's Capitol reveals the worship of multiple pagan gods have been incorporated into the fabric of America's freedom of religion.


Shockingly, the leaders of America were even defied as the gods of antiquity in human form!


Again, in his heart Satan said that he would be like God (Isaiah 14:13-14). Therefore, because God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are One (1John 5:7), we should not be surprised that Satan’s counterfeit of “one” were composites of multiple gods portrayed as one.


The goddess, Liberty, eventually became a composite of various other gods and goddesses, including their various forms of worship.  This coalition is summed up in the motto on the Great Seal of the United States: E pluribus Unum meaning, “One Out of Many” or “Out of Many, One."



“One Out of Many Out of Many, One


The satanic spirits operating behind Liberty that Jefferson and Washington built a “Temple of Liberty” in honor of, identify some of the geographical principalities over America.  These ruling spirits continue to operate over America opposing the precepts of God and Christianity at all levels of government.  These satanic spirits are at times portrayed as “one out of many” as well as “out of many, one."


Atop the Capitol’s dome, Liberty stands on an orb inscribed with E pluribus Unum and inside the Capitol’s Rotunda, she is portrayed seated alongside George Washington in The Apotheosis of Washington, which also bears the inscription E pluribus Unum. As the dome was considered the focal point of the Capitol, there is much to learn from its design and iconography.  The Apotheosis of Washington is described in detail later in the body of this book.


When Satan fell, one third of the angels, known as principalities, fell with him and many of these principalities are geographical in nature.  These geographical principalities or guardians can be understood according to Daniel 10, which reveals their existence and some of their nature. For example, the angel who stands in the presence of God (Luke 1:19), was sent with a message to Daniel in answer to Daniel’s prayer.  However, he was detained by the Prince of Persia, a geographic principality over that particular area, for twenty-one days.  Only when Michael, the guardian archangel of Israel (Daniel 10:21, 12:1), came to help him was he able to reach earth (Daniel 10:12-13).


Mithra - the Persian Covenant deity:  Included among the Persian kings and prince is a deity identified as Mithra.  Mithra was a military deity as well as a pagan god of covenants and agreements.  And, this deity eventually found its way to America.


According to Scripture, mankind literally entered into these satanic covenants, otherwise there would have been no need for the LORD to warn mankind not to makes covenants with either the pagans or their pagan gods.


Exodus 23:32-33Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.”  (KJV, emphasis added)


Joshua 23:7 “That ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them” (KJV)


Nonetheless, the Israelites entered into covenants with the pagan gods, among them “Baal-berith”, the Canaanite “god of covenants and oaths” (Judges 8:33, 9:4, 46).  The angels that fell with Satan are the satanic spirits operating behind Baal-berith and the other deities that the pagans worshipped as their gods.  Baal-berith, as well as all other Baals, are the ruling principalities within the hierarchy of the fallen angels.  The iconography at the Capitol suggests that America’s Founding Fathers entered into covenants with these same pagan gods as well.


The Worship of Mithra taken to other countries:  Over time, the worship of Baal-berith found its way into other countries, including Iran and Rome, where this deity was known as Mithra. Interestingly, Mithraism dates back to Biblical times when Cyrus was king of Persia (modern day Iran) (Ezra 1:8).  The name of Cyrus’s treasurer was “Mithredath”, which meant that he was either “given by Mithra” or “dedicated to Mithra.”  Highly praised as a military deity as well as god of covenants, Mithra along with Jupiter was eagerly embraced by the Roman military as one of their foremost gods.  Obviously, as Jupiter was also a god concerned with covenants, treaties and oaths, somewhere along the way the attributes of Baal-berith became incorporated into Jupiter’s identity as well as that of Mithra.


Finally, the Worship of Mithra found its way to America: Finally, the worship of Mithra, like Jupiter, was brought to America where the attributes of these two military deities were combined with the attributes of George Washington, America’s military hero.  As such, they are portrayed as one deity with Washington as their human representative in The Apotheosis of Washington.  This is another example of E pluribus Unum: One out of Many – Many out of One.


In antiquity, Mithraism was Christianity’s main rival.  It is interesting that the symbolism of Mithra, albeit hidden, was incorporated into the images of George Washington defied as a god.  Then again, our forefathers wanted to be “Liberated from Christianity” - hence "Freedom of Religion" or it can be understood as "Freedom from Christianity"!


Again, in his heart Satan said that he would be like God - and his best attempt is to have mankind elevated to the status of a god - just as Washington was elevated to the status of a deity in The Apotheosis of Washington.  As the worship of the ancient gods were taken from one country to another and given new names, America’s forefathers renamed the ancient gods with names that Americans could identify with. However, the manner in how one change came about is most surprising.  When Washington was portrayed as the human representative of the pagan gods Jupiter and Mithra, over time his identity became more prominent than that of either Mithra or Jupiter.  He was no longer only seen as a “representation” of a pagan god – he was viewed as a god.  In other words, Mithra and Jupiter became “Americanized” through the image of George Washington.


Again, because Satan is the god of confusion it may seem confusing – but again, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the gift of "discerning of spirits" that enables those of us who have that gift to discern the difference between the Holy Spirit, the spirit of man and devils.  And, those of us who have this gift are also equipped for spiritual warfare.  


While America's Lawmakers were fighting a spiritual battle with Iraq with carnal weapons and under the influence of principalities - the Saints who understand spiritual warfare and make up the "Army of God" were fighting the same spiritual battle with the "Spiritual Weapons" of   Ephesians 6:12-19.  We understand that as Christians we are to use these spiritual weapons that are mighty through God to the pulling down of the strongholds of the enemy - 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.


The Nation of Israel Suffered because of Saul's sins even "After"  King's Saul's death:  2 Samuel 21 reveals that a drought caused by King Saul's Sin did not manifest until after his death.  And, so it was with America - there were Spiritual Aspects of the war with Iraq that were an outworking of the sins of America's forefathers.  The Sin:  America's forefathers spiritually bound themselves to ancient Babylon and Nineveh.  And, when the gods of Iraq were judged - so it was with America and its Babylonian gods that our forefathers were influenced by.


When the principalities, Leviathan, Jupiter/Mithra, Liberty and Victory/Fame were either weakened or dislodged, then there was an outworking over both nations to one degree or another.  This will be further explored throughout this book. 


While Exodus 12:12 reveals that the LORD will execute judgment on a Nation and its gods simultaneously - Matthew 16:22-23 reveals that the LORD will rebuke an individual and Satan at the same time.

Both Exodus 12:12 and Matthew 16:22-23 are examples of the Biblical principle that says in short, that the natural realm is a reflection of what is happening in the spiritual realm and that the LORD deals with both simultaneously.  And, even though the spiritual realm is not visible to us, both Exodus 12:12 and Matthew 16:22-23 reveals that there are those in the natural realm that are influenced by the demonic in the spiritual realm.     


Christ Jesus fought spiritual battles with spiritual weapons:  The account in Matthew 16:22-23 reveals that Jesus rebuked Peter for savoring the things of the world as opposed to the things of God.  Because of Peter’s worldly mindset, Satan was able to influence Peter in how he processed what Jesus Christ was saying about going to the cross.  Satan’s goal was to influence Peter in such a way that hopefully Peter would become a stumbling block to Jesus Christ.  On the other hand, because Jesus could discern the spiritual dimension of any given situation, Jesus understood that Satan was able to exert his influence in the natural dimension because of Peter’s worldly mindset and for that reason Jesus rebuked Satan (the invisible) at the same time that he rebuked Peter (the visible).


While there are many within the Body of Christ that discern the spiritual behind the natural here in America - our Lawmakers do not - otherwise they would have corrected the spiritual mistakes of our forefathers.  They only filled our forefathers cup to the brim (Matthew 23:32).


Furthermore, America's Lawmakers are like the children in Matthew 11:16-17: 


Matthew 11:16-17 16 But whereunto shall I liken this generation?  It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,  17And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.  (KJV)


In other words, our Lawmakers are like "stubborn" children who refuse to get along and can't even see that there lack of bi-partisanship is spiritual in nature.  And, this is all at the expense of all those living in America. 



You can't fight a spiritual battle with carnal weapons


Leviathan:  America's Lawmakers and Economic experts view America's Economic Crises through a natural lens and that's why they haven't been able to find the right solutions.  They can't see the spiritual aspects of borrowing money from other nations to pay for the war in Iraq. 


Victory:  Another name for the spirit operating behind Victory is Nike.  The goal of this spirit is to "lord over others" - its goal is to have victory over people - not just be victorious in war.  America did not have the victory in war with Iraq that they hoped for. 


When this spirit was weakened over America - it could no longer lord over the African Americans and minorities as it did in the days of our founding fathers who lorded over slaves.  It is not just happenstance that President Obama is African American or that he won his second Presidential election because of the vote of the very people that at one time could not vote:  African Americans and minorities. 


Fame:  The goal of this spirit is to spread rumors of war - and America went to war with Iraq based on rumors.


Liberty:  Liberty means freedom of religion - it speaks of a democratic form of government.  While America attempted to make Iraq a model of American democracy for the mid-east, that has not happened.  Iraq and other mid-east nations do not want to be liberated from Islam - freedom of religion is opposed to the beliefs of Islam.  On the other hand, freedom of religion is creating a problem for our Lawmakers & citizens in America.



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[1] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.100

[2] Vivien Fryd, Art & Empire, p.193-195

[3] Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p.62

[4] Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda J. Blimes, "The true cost of the Iraq war: $3 trillion and beyond." The Washington Post website, September 5, 2010.

[5] Albert Pike Morals and Dogma, p.295-296