Chapter 1

Chapter Summaries




Chapter 2:   Foreword


Chapter 3:   Introduction


An overview that explains the spiritual cords that connect the United States Capitol to Iraq.


Chapter 4:   December 13, 1998 and the Capture & Execution of Saddam Hussein


There are two main parts to Chapter 3:


Part 1:  A Narrative that documents the spiritual significance of the date December 13, 1998, specifically as to how it relates to the capture of Saddam Hussein on December 13, 2003.  On December 13, 1998 I spoke a creative word into the spiritual realm, the Taunt to the King of Babylon, from Isaiah 14 and 5 years later to the day, month and hour after speaking the Taunt to the modern day King of Babylon in the sub-basement of the United States Capitol in front of Washington’s Tomb – a small enclosure intended to have been the burial place of President Washington another world leader, the self acclaimed modern day King of Babylon, Saddam Hussein was captured in an underground hole described as a grave. 


Not surprisingly, Saddam Hussein was captured under-ground in a small room described as a grave and/or tomb.  In other words, Saddam’s hiding place could be spiritually liken to President Washington’s intended burial place. 


It is important to note that both President Washington and Saddam Hussein were not only Leaders of their perspective countries, but that they were Military Leaders.  And, as we will see, both leaders were under the influence of Baal-Berith, a military deity and god of the covenant (Judges 8:33 and Judges 9:46) known by the Persians and throughout the Roman Empire as well as America under the name of Mithra.  And, this same deity is from the dominion of "the prince and King of Persian", a ruling geographical principalities over Babylon as described in Daniel 10.   


President Clinton: it is also important to note that on December 13, 1998, the same day I spoke the Taunt at the US Capitol, President Clinton was in Israel and it was from the King David Hotel that same day that President Clinton ordered the US military to be ready to attack Iraq in 72 hours.  This fact is significant because when I speak a creative word into the spiritual realm it seems to always be spiritually connected to Israel.    


Part 2:  The Capture and Execution of Saddam Hussein


Chapter 5:   The Prince of Persia


This chapter identifies one of the main principalities that operated behind both Saddam Hussein & President George Washington:  the Prince of Persia.  It is important to note that the Prince of Persia, known as Mithra in America, who like the Prince of Persia was also worshipped as a military deity.  And, this particular principality found a place to wield its influence in America when his worship was brought to America via the Freemasons.


New gods were brought to Samaria: 2 Kings 17 is a Biblical example of the worship of a new deity being introduced into another geographical area.  


Judges 5:8 speaks of "new gods" – then war was in the gates.  Judges 5 8 They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?


Over time, the worship of this principality evolved and/or changed.  For example, both the Roman military and Freemasons met in caves or underground holes to pay homage to this military deity.  In fact, there is a cave located in Charles Town, West Virginia known as "George Washington's Cave" where he and other Masons met - hence the underground tomb at the US Capitol and the underground grave where Saddam was found hiding. 


Washington's Masonic Cave:  Tradition has it that George Washington along with other fellow Masons met in a large three-room cave in Charles Town, West Virginia.  This cave, known as "George Washington's Cave" or the "Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson" was the first Masonic meeting place west of the Blue Ridge.  Again, this is another link of George Washington and the Masons to the military deity "Mithra" whose followers met underground in a cave.


Scripture reveals that this particular principality wielded satanic influence and power over the geographical area of Babylon (Daniel 10:13).  It was when one of the principalities within the dominion of the Prince of Persia lost its place in the spiritual realm that Saddam Hussein was captured – on earth as in heaven. 


Chapter 6:   Symbolism of Washington DC: The Anatomy of a Fish


This chapter explores the Spiritual Symbolism of the fish that serves as a spiritual boundary of the Washington D.C. Mall area and how the memorials and government buildings literally corresponds to the anatomy of a real fish.


Chapter 7:   Gateways


As Christians we are to stand in the Gate of our enemies as well as turn back the battle at the Gate.  Genesis 22:17 and Genesis 24:60 reveal that we are to "Possess the Gates of our enemies" and Isaiah 28:5 reveals that we are to take the battle "to" the gate and then "turn" it at the gate.  And, it is here in these particular gateways that the enemy has set up a spiritual stronghold, a place of Occult activity.  Over time, as the ruling geographical principalities are dislodged within their specific dominions, their strongholds will be pulled down.  Needless to say, Washington's Tomb is a "Gateway of the enemy" – a high place of occult activity. 


Chapter 8:   President George W. Bush and the Rumor of War


This Chapter identifies another geographical principality over America that operates alongside the military deity Mithra:  she is the pagan goddess Fame.  Fame is a military deity that is best known for "spreading rumours of war" or rumours that lead to war.  And she is portrayed seated alongside George Washington in his role as a military deity (a composite of Jupiter/Mithra) in the "Apotheosis of Washington" that is painted on the ceiling of the Rotunda of the United States Capitol.


President Bush declared war on Iraq because he "supposedly" believed that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling chemical weapons- weapons of mass destruction.  No evidence was ever found before or after America invaded Iraq that weapons of mass destruction were produced or stockpiled after 1991 when UN sanctions were imposed.


As the entire world now knows, it turns out that the belief that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction was only a "Rumor".


Given that President Bush based his decision on going to war with Iraq on a "rumor," then the image of the goddess Fame (Rumor) that identifies her as a geographical principality over America now becomes more meaningful.  Why?  Because whether or not President Bush actually believed the rumor, the point is that our Lawmakers did and that should concern all Americans that our Lawmakers came under the influence of Fame's rumor!


Matthew 24 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled:  for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.


Chapter 9:   President Ford


Lincoln's Catafalque was brought up from Washington's Tomb and placed in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol on the same day that Saddam Hussein was executed.  The occasion:  President Ford died on December 26, 2006 and the catafalque was prepared to receive the coffin of President Ford who was to lie in state the next day in the Rotunda.     


Given the fact that it was in front of Lincoln’s Catafalque that the Taunt to the King of Babylon was spoken into the spiritual realm, then anyone who understands the spiritual behind the natural understands that the timing of Lincoln's Catafalque being brought up from Washington's Tomb to the Rotunda the same day that Saddam Hussein was executed could not have been coincidental.


And, it was not just happenstance that after President Ford's death that Lincoln's Catafalque was removed from Washington's Tomb, "Mithra's Seat of Power," where it had been stored for 144 years and moved to the new Visitor Center of the Capitol Building.


Chapter 10: Overview of Spiritual Warfare


When a "spiritual stronghold" of the prince of Persia was pulled down, Saddam Hussein was captured.  Biblically speaking, there is always a spiritual dimension to the earthly. One is not inconsistent with the other, as one cannot exist without the other.  In other words, while America's Lawmakers were fighting a spiritual war with Iraq with carnal weapons and under the influence of principalities - the Saints who make up the "Army of God" were fighting the same spiritual battle with the "Spiritual Weapons" of Ephesians 6:12-19.  We are to use these spiritual weapons that are mighty through God to the pulling down of the strongholds of the enemy - 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.


Chapter 11: 666: Satan’s Dishonest Trade


Christ likened every student of Scripture that is instructed in those things concerning the Kingdom of Heaven to a Homeowner who brings the New Gems of Truth as well the Old Gems of Truth from his storeroom.  In the context of Matthew 13:2 the old gems of truth are a reference to the prophecies in the Old Testament that foretell of Christ and the new gems of truth are a reference to all the Scriptures in the New Testament of the fulfillment of those prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus Christ and all that the Kingdom of Heaven embodies.


Scripture interprets Scripture and only when we understand how the truths of the antichrist and Solomon in the Old Testament relate to the truths of the antichrist and Solomon in the New Testament can we understand why the Antichrist will mimic Solomon in all his glory even taking the name of King Solomon. 


Peter and Paul as well as others would constantly quote from the Old Testament Scriptures and we see this all through Scripture - Scripture after Scripture quoting other Scriptures.  And, in Peter's letter as record in 2 Peter 1:16-21 in verse 19 Peter admonishes his readers that they must pay close attention to what the prophets wrote.  And, its when we look at the different accounts of both Old and New that we will have a better understanding of Scripture and bring all the treasures both old and new out of our storeroom.


And, in this section my desire is to bring the Old and New out of the storeroom and make the connection between the antichrist of Revelation 13 and the antichrist of Tyre and Solomon's wife from Tyre as well as Jezebel, King Ahab's wife from Tyre whose father was King of Tyre. 


And, there is a connection between the city of Tyre and the Jerusalem Temple.  It's unthinkable that the city of Tyre played a role in the Temple worship of the Jews - in particular the "Tyrian Stater" - the only coin that the Jewish Rabbis would allow the Jewish people to use to pay their Temple Tax with.


·         The first Temple:  Scripture reveals that Hiram, king of Tyre helped Solomon build the first Temple 1 Kings 5

·         The Second Temple:  the connection between the second temple and the city of Tyre is the "Tyrian Stater" (Shekel) which was the only currency that the Chief Priests would accept as payment of the Temple Tax.

·         And, the coin that Peter went down to the sea and took out of the mouth of the fish and gave to Jesus to pay the Temple Tax was the "Tyrian Shekel" - a foreshadowing of the Beast out of sea  Matthew 17:24-27

·         The Money Changers:  Another connection between the "Tyrian Shekel" and the Temple  John 2:13-17

·         The "Tyrian Stater" was a foreshadowing of the 30 pieces of "Tyrian Silver" that the Chief Priests and Elders took from the Temple Tax to pay Judas to betray Jesus.  And, interestingly, after Judas realized what he had done he tried to return the silver to the Chief Priests and when they refused to take the money back Judas threw it down on the temple floor.  Matthew 26:14-16; Matthew 27:1-10


Turning the focus again to Tyre, there can be no doubt that the Prince and King of Trye's self deification and the worship of their pagan deities played a key role in Tyre's financial and political history.  And, so it will be with the Antichrist in the end times.  Like the prince of Tyre who claimed to be a god of the sea making himself equal to God - the Beast out of the sea (Revelation 13) will exalt himself as a god and use false religion as a means to the ends:  the ends being political and financial gain through all those who will worship him by taking his name and number to buy and sell.   


In Ezekiel 28 we discover that the "King of Tyre" is a reference to Satan - the supernatural being that operates through Tyre's earthly ruler who is identified as the "Prince of Tyre".  And, this account of the Prince of Tyre in Ezekiel 28 is an indication of what is to come in the end times - a Foreshadowing of Satan giving his power to the Beast out of the Sea. 


Ezekiel 28:1-2 1 Then this message came to me from the LORD: 2 “Son of man, give the prince of Tyre this message from the Sovereign LORD: “In your great pride you claim, ‘I am a god! I sit on a divine throne in the heart of the sea.’ But you are only a man and not a god, though you boast that you are a god. NLT


And, just as the Beast out of the Sea usurped the worship due to God alone - the prince of Tyre who claims to sit in the seat of the gods in the heart of the sea - claiming to be a god - he too usurped the worship due to God alone.  And, just as Satan empowers the antichrist in Revelation 13:4 Satan empowered the Prince of Tyre so that he would appear to men as a god though he was just a man.  2 Thessalonians 2:1-12


Whether it is a manifestation of the "Leviathan" or the manifestation of a fish that the Freemasons laid down to spiritually connect America to the ancient city of Nineveh - all pagan deities including Dagon the fish god of the Philistines as recorded in 1 Samuel 5:2-4 that are associated with a fish are from within the dominion of the "Beast out of the Sea" as recorded in Revelation 13.  They are all under the authority of the "Beast out of the Sea" which is the "Antichrist" and these satanic spirits will influence those within our government who don't have the mindset of Jesus Christ. 


And, just as the spirit operating behind the Leviathan causes people and nations to lend and borrow the Beast out of the Earth" that spoke like a dragon will ensure that laws are passed that unless people take the mark or name of the "Beast out of the Sea" they will not be able to buy or sell.


To fully understand why no one can buy or sell unless they take the name or number of the Beast just read Ezekiel 28 that reveals that Satan was cast out of the mountain of God for more than just his pride.  Ezekiel 28 verses 16 and 18 reveals that Satan was cast from the mountain of God because he also sinned in his multitude of merchandise - in other words his dishonest trade. 


More to the point:  the outline of the fish that encompasses our nation's capital is a manifestation of the "Beast out of the Sea" who was given power by the devil as recorded in Revelation 13 - it is a manifestation of the "Antichrist's" influence over America and it's lawmakers.


List of Figures & Bibliography




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