Chapter 8

President George W. Bush and the Rumor of War



President Bush declared war on Iraq because he "supposedly" believed that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling chemical weapons.  However, no evidence was ever found before or after America invaded Iraq that weapons of mass destruction were produced or stockpiled after 1991 when UN sanctions were imposed. As the entire world now knows it turns out that the belief that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction was only a “rumor."


Now given that President Bush based his decision on going to war with Iraq on a "rumor," then the image of the goddess Fame (Rumor) that identifies her as a geographical principality over America now becomes more meaningful.  Why?  Because whether or not President Bush actually believed the rumor - the point is that our Lawmakers did - and that should concern all Americans that our Lawmakers came under the influence of Fame's rumor!   


Matthew 24 [6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.


Interestingly, it is rumored that President Bush knew that Saddam never had chemical weapons - that his reasons for going to war with Iraq were for "personal" revenge.  Actually, I believe that it was a combination of both the influence of the goddess Fame (rumor) and his desire for personal revenge.  One aspect fed the other.


There was a well-known history of animosity between the Bushes and Saddam Hussein that began while George Bush senior was President. 


Bush senior's decision to not overthrow Hussein when he had the opportunity was a decision that would haunt him and his son.


Also, it was obvious from statements made by President Bush junior that he never forgot the fact that Saddam Hussein attempted to kill his father, mother and wife. 


At a 2002 fundraiser in Texas before the U.S. invaded Iraq, statements made by President Bush caused many people to suspect that he was more interested in settling a personal score with Saddam Hussein than fighting terrorism.  In reference to Saddam Hussein, Bush stated, "There's no doubt his hatred is mainly directed at us,'...There's no doubt he can't stand us.  After all, this is the guy that tried to kill my dad at one time."  ... 


In a later interview Bush once again stated:  "The fact that he tried to kill my father and my wife shows the nature of the man."[1] 


The Washington Post, Sunday, December 31, 2006, p.A21"Hussein and the Bushes - Conflicts Shaped Two Presidencies - U.S., Iraq Continue to Experience Aftereffects of Their Confrontations" By Peter Baker.

"Go find me a way to do this"

Equates to Personal Revenge


The following excerpts are from The Washington Post, Sunday, December 31, 2006, p.A21"Hussein and the Bushes - Conflicts Shaped Two Presidencies - U.S., Iraq Continue to Experience Aftereffects of Their Confrontations" By Peter Baker


"It took nearly 16 years, but he's finally gone.  And with Hussein's execution in Baghdad, so is the chief nemesis of the Bush family, a man who bedeviled father-and-son presidents and in different ways dominated both of their administrations.  The long, tortured arc of the Bush-Hussein relationship that shaped recent U.S. history finally came to a close with the snap of a noose. ... Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 proved a strategic miscalculation that put him and the Bushes forever on opposite sides. ...An unbowed Hussein defied the international community, and in April 1993, when Bush went to Kuwait for a hero's welcome, a group of Iraqis crossed the border in what was called a thwarted attempt to kill him. ... Among those on that trip could have been killed were Barbara Bush and Laura Bush.  ... But the incident clearly was a searing moment for the Bush family...."     


"In Ron Suskind's book, 'The Price of Loyalty,' O'Neill [Bush's first treasury secretary] was quoted as saying that Bush told aides to prepare to remove Hussein:  'That was the tone of it, the president saying ... 'Go find me a way to do this.'"  ... "Others on the inside came to a similar conclusion.  In a memo in March 2002, Peter Ricketts, a top British official, sounded skeptical of U.S. motivations:  "For Iraq, 'regime change' does not stack up.  It sounds like a grudge between Bush and Saddam."[2] (see "Conflicts Shaped Two Presidencies")


A Rumor of War: 


This Chapter identifies several other geographical principalities over America that operates alongside the military deity Mithra: a composite pagan goddess of Fame - the goddess of rumors – and the goddess Victory.


It was due to the influence of Fame that President Bush and other Lawmakers believed the "Rumor" that Saddam Hussein had mass weapons of destruction.  


 Matthew 24:6 6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.(KJV, emphasis added)


The New Testament was written in Greek; therefore, we need to look at the Greek meaning behind the word “rumours” to understand how the spirit behind Fame operates over America. From Strong’s Concordance:


· Rumours: akoe, Greek 189 Strong’s from Greek 191 (akouo); hearing (the act, the sense or the thing heard) :- audience, ear, fame, which ye heard, hearing, preached, report, rumoral

· akouo, Greek 191 Strong’s; a primary verb; to hear (in various senses) :- give (in the) audience (of), come (to the ears), ([shall]) hear (-er, -ken), be noised, be reported, understand.


As we can see from the above, the word “rumours” according to the Greek, means “to hear in various senses."  One of these ways heard is through a rumor, which includes gossip.  Rumours also can be interpreted as “Fame."  If we look at the word rumours in its context in Matthew 24:6, we can understand that the spirit that operates behind the pagan goddess, Fame, will manifest through gossip and rumours: specifically – “rumours of war.”


Fame is a military deity that is best known for "spreading rumours of war."  She is portrayed seated alongside George Washington in his role as a military deity (a composite of Jupiter/ Mithra) in the "Apotheosis of Washington," a canopy painting that is suspended between the inner and outer domes of the U.S. Capitol elevating George Washington to the status of a military god in allegorical fashion.  On either side of George Washington is “Liberty” and a figure of a goddess representing a composite of “Victory” and “Fame” with all three “seated on a rainbow."  It is understood that “Liberty” is Minerva’s American name and the Greek word for Victory is Nike.  Nike or Victory was known as the goddess of victory and she came to be an everlasting symbol of victory and dominance on the battlefields of ancient Greece.


America's Lawmakers came under the influence of Fame

& believed the Rumor of War


The main focus of the Apotheosis of Washington, as shown below, is Washington portrayed as Jupiter with Liberty seated to his right and the main subject of this Chapter  the goddess Victory/Fame seated to his left – all 3 representing the Americanized version of the three deities worshipped on Capitoline Hill in Rome. 




The terms Victory & Nicolaitan are one and the same spirit.  The  symbolism of Victory seated alongside Washington on a rainbow reveals the Founding Fathers embraced the "doctrine of the Nicolaitans":  to be victorious over the people.  Given that the rainbow is symbolic of a covenant - then we know that America's Founding Fathers entered into covenants with the spirits operating behind the gods pagans worshipped. 


Victory is an aggressor and “delights” in leading nations into war as well as a goddess who “delights” in war for the sake of war.  Interestingly, many nations view America as just that:  an aggressor in war and a nation who delights in war.


America entered the war with Iraq based on a "Rumor" which is a manifestation of "Fame" - Victory's counterpart. 


Figure 8- 1 The Apotheosis of Washington

Source: Architect of the Capitol Website [3]

Painted in 1865 by Constantino Brumidi, the Apotheosis of Washington in the eye of the Capitol Rotunda depicts George Washington rising to the heavens in glory, flanked by female figures representing Liberty and Victory/Fame and surrounded by six groups of figures. ... A rainbow arches at his feet, and thirteen maidens symbolizing the original states flank the three central figures.  (The word "apotheosis" in the title means literally the raising of a person to the rank of a god, or the glorification of a person as an ideal; George Washington was honored as a national icon in the nineteenth century.)


The goddess Victory


Like Washington, the goddess seated to the left of Washington is a war deity.  Her symbolism alongside Washington implies that it was through the spirit operating behind Victory that America would gain its victories.


Just as America’s Liberty is a composite of more than just one pagan god, Victory is a composite of at least four pagan deities: Victory, Nike, Fame and Juno.  These four spirits all are associated with war and even though they have different manifestations, they operate together as a braided cord.


The spirit behind the concept of Victory is to be victorious in war and as the goddess of victory, she came to be an everlasting symbol of victory and dominance on the battlefields of ancient Greece.


The Greek word for “overcome” in the Bible is “nike." For example,


1John 5:4-5 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh [G3528] the world: and this is the victory [G3529] that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?(KJV)


The New Testament was written in Greek and the word “overcome” in the Bible is the Greek word nikao. Strong’s Concordance defines overcome as coming from the Greek word nikao, meaning to conquer, overcome, prevail, or get the victory.

Those who Believe that they are Overcomers in Nike are opposed to Gospel of Jesus Christ


As Christians we understand that we overcome and are victorious through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. However, Satan, wanting to be like God, perverted the truth of what it meant to be an overcomer. He deceived the pagans into believing that they could overcome by worshiping a pagan goddess by the same name, which meant to gain victory and to overcome: Victory/Nike. Sadly, some pagans who did not believe in Jesus turned to Victory believing that is was through the worship of this deity that they would overcome and be victorious over others.


Mithra:  According to Persian monuments as well as other icons of antiquity that have identified by historians, throughout both ancient Persia, Rome and elsewhere, the pagan god Mithra was portrayed seated on a rainbow when in his role as Mediator and lord of the covenant.[4]

Figure 8- 2 Mithra on a Rainbow

Source: The Two Babylons [5]


In other words, the portrayal of Washington seated on a rainbow was meant to convey the idea that Washington was the earthly representative of Mithra.  And, that Liberty and Victory/Fame are seated on the rainbow alongside Washington reveals that all three of these principalities, or when Jupiter and Fame are taken into account, all five principalities were in league with one another. 

Mithra's Rainbow


Again, if you look closely at The Apotheosis of Washington you will see that George Washington, Liberty and Victory/Fame are all seated on a seated on a rainbow - the sign of Covenant. 


This was to convey the idea that George Washington had invoked Mithra to witness covenants and agreements that our founding fathers went into or/and that Washington himself had gone into a covenant with Mithra.  Either way, the idea that George Washington was the earthly representative of Mithra is unmistakable. 


Judges 8:33 reveals that the children of Israel made Baalberith, the lord of the covenant, the same as Jupiter or Mercury among the Romans; the deity whose business it was to preside over compacts, leagues, treaties and covenants. 


Some believe this verse to mean that the Israelites had made a covenant or agreement with Baalberith to be their pagan god.  



A False Sense of Security:  Needless to say, anyone who enters a covenant with Baalberith has only entered into a "Covenant of Death" and are in agreement with Hell.  Isaiah 28:15 


George Washington was also Influenced by the spirit behind Jupiter 


Going back to The Apotheosis of Washington:  From his waist up Washington is pictured wearing a military uniform and from the waist down the robes of a pagan god - all of which identify him as a military deity.  While the symbolism of the rainbow associates him with Mithra – it is significant that his clothing is “Purple.”  When a General or a military equivalent wanted to be identified with “Jupiter” he would often wear purple. 


In Biblical times – pagans believed the god Jupiter came down in human form.  So, we should not be surprised that Washington is portrayed as the military deity – Jupiter.  


Acts 14:11 11And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. 12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker. (KJV, emphasis added)


Even though Washington had been dead for many years by the time The Apotheosis of Washington had been commissioned – I would like to point out that it has been well documented that when planning the United States Capitol that George Washington personally identified with Jupiter and Capitoline Hill.  It was with that understanding that his identity as Jupiter continued to be incorporated into icons portraying him.


Purple:  The color of purple was worn by those who wanted to be identified as an earthly representative of Jupiter


George Washington was a Freemason; therefore, he would have been aware that the color purple was associated with Jupiter.


According to Dr. Rex R. Hutchens, a 33rd degree Freemason and author of A Glossary To Morals and Dogma, “As Pike notes, the ziggurat of Borshippa had seven stages of different colors.  These colors were dedicated to the seven ‘planets’ known to Babylonia: … the third was purple, for Jupiter."[6]


The Purple Heart, originally a heart shaped piece of purple cloth, was sown on the military uniform of courageous soldiers at the request of Washington.  That he chose purple as the color for a medal, alone does not support that he was associated with the practice of pagan gods.  However, when we look at his life as a whole, it is obvious that not only was he knowledgeable, but he also embraced pagan beliefs.


President Washington portrayed taking an oath before the seated Jupiter


Capitoline Hill:  The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus was located on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. 


When designing Washington, D.C., George Washington and others very carefully chose symbols to convey their ideas.  And it was with that mindset that they desired to have America’s lawmakers to meet on a hill they chose to call Capitol Hill in honor of Jupiter’s Capitoline Hill.  


According to the book Temple of Liberty “The iconography of the panels decorating the south (which was to contain the House of Representatives) is derived from the most powerful ancient god, Jupiter, and the strongest ancient hero, Hercules.  In the central panel, a single standing figure (representing either collective American patriots or Washington) takes an oath before the seated Jupiter … king of the gods in Roman mythology, …  Oaths in ancient Rome were taken at the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, located on the Capitoline hill.[7]


George Washington Portrayed as “Patriae Pater”-

 the Earthly Representative of the god Jupiter


Rembrandt Peale, who personally met George Washington, painted

one of the two most famous portraits of George Washington in existence:  Pater Patriae.


Figure 8- 3 George Washington as Patreae Peter

Source: Art in the United States Capitol [8]


George Washington personally sat for Peale, in fact the last time that Washington sat for an artist before his death was for Peale.  In other

words, as a contemporary of that period of time, Peale personally understood the ideology of the Founding Fathers and it was with that understanding that Peale portrayed George Washington in the above posthumous portrait as the earthly representative of the pagan god Jupiter.


In his portrait “Pater Patriae”, Peale meant to convey the ideology

accepted by himself and others that George Washington was the

human counterpart to the pagan god Jupiter, the “father of the gods”

 and as such, he was the “father of men”.

In his portrait, “Pater Patriae”, Peale meant to convey the ideology accepted by himself and others that George Washington was the human counterpart to the pagan god Jupiter, the “father of the gods” and as such he was the “father of men”.


Washington became known as the father of America “because” of those who believed that he was the earthly representative of the “father of the gods."


Jupiter’s head is placed above Washington’s head to symbolize the relationship between man and pagan deity.  As “father of the gods”, Jupiter’s head was placed above Washington’s head to symbolize his position in the heavens, while Washington’s authority is linked to the earth and as such he was subordinate to Jupiter. 


Peale’s portrait was only meant to be a “likeness” of George Washington.  Subtle changes were made to show a resemblance between Washington and Jupiter.  For example, the resemblance of Washington’s nose and broad forehead with that of Jupiter was meant to identify Washington as Jupiter’s earthly representative. 


The objective of Peale’s picture was to leave people with the impression of the “idea” of who Washington was – to connect Washington to Jupiter would succeed in connecting Washington as well as all of America to the Roman Republic, their ideals and their pagan beliefs in gods and goddesses that so heavily influenced George Washington.  



Victory is in Jesus: It is true that “all glory is fleeting” for those who fight battles apart from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For those who are fighting battles in the name of pagan gods or under their influence, all glory is fleeting! Our Victory is in Jesus Christ who Triumphed over all Principalities and Powers – including Jupiter of Capitoline Hill.


Colossians 2:15 15And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.(KJV)


The Lord says “thou shalt have no other gods before me”; nonetheless, like the Greeks, many of America’s early forefathers learned the ways of the pagan gods and goddesses. Our secular Founding Fathers used art, images and statues as a way to communicate their ideas and beliefs.  One only has to look at the art in the United States Capitol, the White House and Washington, D.C. itself to grasp to the degrees that they embraced the pagan gods.  The influence of these spirits in America is unmistakable.


Read the following comments by Vivien Fryd, author of Art and Empire, and then read the statement by President Bush made in 2002 regarding his perception of America’s role in the world.  It is obvious that there is a satanic influence over how some of America’s politicians view America in the grandiose way they do.


When reading the following comments by Fryd, the statue of Armed Liberty that Fryd refers to is the version of Liberty atop the United States Capitol.  However, the spirit behind Armed Liberty is the same spirit operating behind Liberty seated next to Washington on the rainbow.


“Freedom, according to the artist, remains the focus of the statue, whether in the official title, Statue of Freedom, preferred by the current (1991) Architect of the Capitol, or the more accurate title given by Crawford and used by Jefferson Davis, Armed Liberty, which accurately conflates the two ideas manifest in this combined rendering of Minerva and Liberty. … Crawford had earlier chosen a placid image in his Armed Liberty, in part to show that Liberty’s battles had been won in North America, enabling her to stand watch over the Union and the world to enforce her rule by the sword wherever and whenever necessary.”[9]  (emphasis added)



Now compare Fryd’s comments to the following remarks made by President Bush during an interview with Bob Woodward that reveals President Bush would consider going to war with Afghanistan and Iraq because of what he perceived to be America’s leadership role in the world.


“President Bush has outlined an expansive, even grandiose, view of the role the United States must play in combating terrorism and tyranny that suggests a tension in his own mind – and the minds of his aides – between the need for international cooperation and the belief that at times this country will have to act alone. …It is perhaps Bush’s most direct statement on the need for unilateral action by the United States as the shaping force in the world. … ‘As we think through Iraq,’ he said, ‘we may or may not attack. I have no idea yet. But it will be for the objective of making the world more peaceful.’ ‘At this moment in history, if there is a world problem, we’re expected to deal with it, ‘President Bush said in an interview at his ranch in August. ‘It’s the price of power. It is the price of where the United States stands.’”[10]


General Petraeus & the War in Iraq 


We know from Scripture that people, even Christians can be influenced by unclean spirits.  When Jesus said to Peter:  "Satan get thee behind me," He was rebuking both Peter and Satan.  Jesus addressed the principalities operating in the spiritual realm who were influencing Peter in the natural realm. 


Matthew 16 23 But He turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.


Realizing that there is nothing new under the sun, then we shouldn’t be surprised that on September 10, 2007 our Senators and Congressmen were influenced by the same demonic spirits that were operating behind Jupiter and influencing George Washington and the Senators and Congressman who approved of George Washington being portrayed as Jupiter.    


Which brings us to General David Petraeus:  who like the ancient Roman Generals, was received on Capitoline Hill/Capitol Hill in 2007 with all the fanfare of a Roman Triumph. 


In ancient Rome, a General returning from battle would appear in front of the Senate on Capitoline Hill to receive honor and to honor the god Jupiter.  The procession leading to the Senate was known as the Roman Triumph.


Again, the objective of Peale’s picture was to leave people with the impression of the “idea” of who Washington was – to connect Washington as well as all of America to the Roman Republic, their ideals and their pagan gods.  Scripture speaks of the “sins of our forefathers” and their belief in foreign gods has given those spirits operating behind Jupiter as well as other deities the legal right to exert their influence over America.    


According to news accounts, General Petraeus was received with all the honor of a “Roman Triumph."  His arrival to appear before the Senate was America’s equivalent to the “Roman Triumph.”


 Following is an account of General Petraeus’ arrival to Capitol Hill as reported in The Washington Post.[11] 

 “There were no animal sacrifices, no laurel-crowned parade to the Cannon Caucus Room.  But Gen. David Petraeus’s appearance before Congress still seemed the echo of a Roman triumph with the general center stage and lawmakers lining up to pay respects," writes columnist Dana Milbank.


“The best historical analog for Gen. David Petraeus’s appearance before Congress yesterday might be found in the days of the Roman Republic.  Then, returning generals wearing laurel wreaths and purple robes and riding in chariots were greeted at the city gate by senators and led through a ‘Triumph’ ceremony that included trumpeters and the slaying of white bulls. 


There were no animal sacrifices in the Cannon Caucus Room yesterday, but Petraeus – even the name is a felicitous echo of the Latin “patronus” (protector) – enjoyed the modern equivalent: It was, in all, a welcome befitting a Roman general.  Better, even:  Petraeus didn’t even have to endure, as Roman generals did, the slave holding the crown over his head and whispering in his ear:  Sic transit gloria mundi." 


"All glory is fleeting.”


But, then General Petraeus' Triumphal Entry to Capitol Hill in 2007 Ended in "Fleeting Glory" on Election Day 2012 when the spirit operating behind Victory lost its place to operate through America's White male establishment.



Presidential Election 2012:  General Petraeus


When the spirit operating behind Victory

lost its place to operate through

America's White Male Establishment

It was at that point in time that Victory

lost its place to operate through General Petraeus


General Petraeus' "Triumphal Entry"

to Capitol Hill in 2007

came to an "Inglorious End" on election day

when Petraeus was asked to resign as CIA Director


On Earth as in Heaven:  The timing of General Petraeus' fall from power was not coincidental.  When the Nicolaitan spirit operating behind Victory lost its place to operate through America's White Male Establishment, which Petraeus is part of, it was at that point in time that Victory lost its place to operate through General Petraeus - and instead of being "Victorious" as was his custom - Petraeus became a victim of that spirit.  In other words, Petraeus became, so to speak, a casualty of the war in the heavenlies.  (Ephesians 6:12 & Revelation 12:1-12) 


 The timeline begins with 2007 and ends on November 6,  2012:


Washington Post - September 10, 2007 - "Petraeus was treated to Washington's equivalent of the Roman Triumph, when returning generals, wearing laurel wreaths and purple robes and riding in chariots, were greeted at the city gate by the Senate and led through a ceremony that included trumpeters and the sacrificing of white bulls."  ..... "It was, for Petraeus, as enthusiastic a welcome to Washington as a returning hero could have hoped for.  And he didn't even have to endure, as Roman generals did, a slave holding the crown over his head and whispering in his ear: Sic transit gloria mundi.  All glory is fleeting."[12]  [See Sidebar for Washington Post Article]


On the other hand, considering that General Petraeus was asked to resign from the CIA for inappropriate conduct, it seems that it would have been wise for someone in 2007 to whisper into General Petraeus' ear the warning that all glory is fleeting.


Sic transit gloria mundi. All glory is fleeting

and so it was with General Petraeus in 2012


General Petraeus along with the White Male Establishment suffered defeat on the very day President Obama was re-elected as President.  On the day President Obama was re-elected, America's "White Male Establishment" that has sought to "lord over others" since the days of America's Founding Fathers who "lorded over slaves, women and the poor" suffered defeat because the Nicolaitan spirit lost its place over America.  On election day, when that spirit lost its place, the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asked General Petraeus to resign as Director of the CIA.  Then, approximately three days later, in disgrace, Petraeus formerly resigned - when he offered his resignation to President Obama, which President Obama accepted.  And, not just any President - it was an African American President! 


The "Inglorious End":  The following is an excerpt from an article that I wrote titled "Christopher Columbus and his gods" - specifically the Nicolaitan spirit - the same spirit that influenced America's lawmakers in 2007 to honor General Petraeus as a Roman god upon his arrival to Capitol Hill.  Given that Victory was one of the ruling geographical principalities over America for over 400 years, no one should be surprised that America's lawmakers honored General Petraeus in such a way.  On the other hand, nor should we be surprised that General Petraeus' career came to such an "Inglorious End" the very same day that America's White Male Establishment came to an "Inglorious End."  Interestingly, CNN referred to Petraeus' end as "Inglorious":  "Only two people know how the affair started, but the world knows now about its inglorious end."[13]  In other words, he resigned lacking fame or honor. 


Christopher Columbus and his gods:  Interestingly, as shown below, Christopher Columbus drew a self-portrait that reveals his belief that the pagan gods of antiquity gave him victory in his discoveries.  And just as The Apotheosis of Washington associates the goddess Victory with the founding of America, Columbus associates himself with the goddess Victory as well - Columbus portrays Victory floating above him.[14]

Figure 8- 4 Allegorical Sketch of Columbus' Triumph

Source: The New Complete History of the United States of America


The Caption reads: "Attributed to himself.  Facsimile from the original in the city hall at Genoa, said to have been sent by Columbus from Seville in 1502.  Columbus is drawn in a triumphal car, with Providence at his side (on the left).  In the rear the Christian Religion marches as a guard, perhaps from the monsters Envy and Ignorance, crawling in the dust below; above floats Victory.  In front march Charity and Constancy, with Hope flying above".


Christopher Columbus’ self-portrayal reveals that like many of America’s Founding Fathers, he too had a certain self-perception of his own grandiosity.  The District of Columbia is the namesake of Christopher Columbus and even though he never actually set foot on land that is now known as America, Columbus is one of few men who America has set aside a day to be honored by all Americans.


In the allegorical sketch personally drawn by Columbus, as shown above, he portrays himself as a god.  Columbus drew this sketch of his “triumphal entry” and upon returning to Spain, Christopher Columbus and his train was received by the King and Queen with all the pomp and ceremony of the “Roman Triumph."  The (self) sketch of Christopher Columbus and text are taken from The New Complete History of the United States of America by John Clark Ridpath.[15] 


In his sketch, Columbus portrayed the goddess Victory hovering over him, which is an indication she influenced his desire to be victorious in his endeavors.  The goal of anyone influenced by the goddess Victory becomes blinded to reality - as was the case with Petraeus.  Their goal is to conquer – to lord it over others.  Neither equality nor righteousness is part of the equation.  Columbus and those who honor him called it discovery.  Others, rightly so, call it “lording it over others”.


It was not unusual for men like Columbus to invoke pagan gods through prayer.  However, his self-portrayal would be more than just symbolism to him – he would actually be revealing something about his own beliefs to others.


His sketch with Victory hovering over him indicated that Columbus had invoked Victory to come to his aid and that he believed it was this pagan goddess who brought him victory in battle.  However, anyone influenced by the goddess Victory becomes blinded to what it means to be victorious in the Lord.  Instead, like Columbus, they call evil good and good evil to justify their victories in war and whatever other endeavors they may engage in.  To take land that is already inhabited is not discovery, yet those who honor Columbus call it discovery.  Others recognize that he only discovered people who he was able to “lord over” in order to take their land.  Like our English forefathers, Columbus too was impressed with Rome’s deities.


After their victory in battle, Roman generals paraded the people they had conquered along their parade route when they were received with all the pomp of the “Roman Triumph."  In similar fashion, Christopher Columbus paraded some of the natives from the New World that he had triumphed over when he was received with all the pomp of a “Roman Triumph" when returning to Spain. 


"When Columbus started to Barcelona, the whole population along the way arose to greet him.  His progress became a triumphal pageant.  Curiosity to see and hear overmastered the multitudes.  Their Majesties knew not whether to receive the Admiral as subject or as prince.  A royal canopy was prepared in the open air, and there thrones were placed for the sovereigns.  Ferdinand and Isabella sat side by side.  There Columbus with his train was received and welcomed.  He knelt and kissed the queen’s hand.  It was believed that the discoverer had found the Indies.  The national imagination was inflamed to a fever of extravagant interest.  He was confirmed in all his honors and emoluments.  The court and the hidalgos who surrounded it vied with one another in doing obeisance to the great Admiral.  Several of the natives of the West Indies had been brought home in the train."[16] (emphasis added) 


Christopher Columbus like the Knights of Santiago and the spirit operating through Columbia, the goddess named in his honor, is a spiritual cord linking America to Spain.  The following is a quote from Appleton's Encyclopedia in which the King of Spain expresses his belief that Columbus is an enduring bond between America and Spain:


"The accompanying illustration is a representation of a noble statue by Sunal, a Spanish sculptor, which will be set up in the Central Park on the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of our continent, an event which it is believed will be celebrated by the governments of Spain and the United States, other European and American nations perhaps participating in the quadricentennial of the momentous event.  The late king of Spain, who said to the writer, 'Columbus should form an enduring bond between Spain and the United States,' was deeply interested in the proposed celebration, expecting to visit the New World with a large Spanish fleet, and perhaps to witness the unveiling of the Columbus statue in the Central park."[17]

Mike Snafu Mars Petraeus Appearance   

By Dana Milbank
Monday, September 10, 2007; 4:32 PM


"They lit the chandeliers in the Cannon Caucus Room and brought in extra flags.  They draped blue cloths over folding card tables so 100 Members of Congress -- nearly a quarter of the House of Representatives -- could have a seat at the five-row dais.  The star witness, Gen. David Petraeus, did a walk-through an hour before his testimony to get a feel for the place.


"I'm here on recon," explained the general, with four stars on each shoulder and a chest full of ribbons.

But, as is often the case with the Iraq war, even the most elaborate plans have a way of falling short.


When the moment finally came for Petraeus to give the testimony that could shape the future of the Iraq war, the commanding general in Iraq discovered that his microphone was dead.


Alas for the chairman, his own microphone was working too well.  As hecklers used the lull to shout from the back rows, Skelton leaned to his neighbor and -- evidently unaware that his words were being broadcast live on C-SPAN -- muttered, "That really [ticks] me off."  He then employed a vulgar word referring to the lower gastrointestinal tract.


It was, perhaps, inevitable that the long-awaited appearance by Petraeus would not live up to its billing.  With months of advance praise by the administration, and agreement on both sides of the aisle that the military "surge" he led in Iraq has been a tactical success, Petraeus was treated to Washington's equivalent of the Roman Triumph, when returning generals, wearing laurel wreaths and purple robes and riding in chariots, were greeted at the city gate by the Senate and led through a ceremony that included trumpeters and the sacrificing of white bulls.


There were no animal sacrifices in the caucus room, but Petraeus enjoyed the modern equivalent: Taking his place on a raised platform with a witness table, the general was immediately surrounded by a thick pack of more than 50 cameras as lawmakers filed past to pay respects. Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Foreign Relations committee, even brought his wife to meet the great man.


"What a pleasure! What a pleasure!" Lantos called out as he and his wife snaked their way through the crowd of Petraeus admirers.


The linguistic laurels were bestowed on the visiting general.


"America's finest."


"Our nation's most capable."


"The capability, the integrity, the intelligence, and the wisdom . . . requires nothing but admiration."


And that was from the Democrats. Republicans, lacking Democrats on the panel with whom to quarrel, instead took aim at the liberal group, which bought a full-page ad in the New York Times calling Petraeus "General Betray Us."


"I think it's an outrage that we spent the last week prepping the ground, bashing the credibility of a general officer whose trademark is integrity," said Rep. Duncan (R-Calif), the top Republican on the Armed Services


Committee. Added a prematurely overwrought Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.): "I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to publicly denounce the ad that says that you are cooking the books for the White House and to apologize to you, General Petraeus, for casting doubt upon your integrity.".....


"Point of order," interrupted Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii). "Nobody has to distance themselves from something they weren't associated with." "Take it easy," Ros-Lehtinen replied.


Abercrombie had a point: The Democrats were barely distinguishable from the Republicans in their praise for Petraeus. And even the left wing groups didn't have their heart in it. Except for the dozen or so hecklers in the back of the room, there was no protest visible inside or outside the Canon building -- unless you count the man in the devil costume with the sign "I've got Petraeus by the soul."


In the caucus room, the actual dog-and-pony show was looking more like a circus. Not long after Skelton finally got the microphones working, the lights began to flicker. Then the lights on the walls went out completely. In fact, the only predictable element of the afternoon was the consistency of the praise for Petraeus.


"Extremely thoughtful and serious," said Lantos.


"Thank you so much, for your hard work, for your skill, your dedication," gushed Jim Saxton (R-N.J.)


It was, for Petraeus, as enthusiastic a welcome to Washington as a returning hero could have hoped for. And he didn't even have to endure, as Roman generals did, a slave holding the crown over his head and whispering in his ear: Sic transit gloria mundi. All glory is fleeting."[18]



Fleeting Glory:  And, on November 6, 2012 Petraeus' career came to an "Inglorious End"!  He resigned lacking fame or honor!




Presidential Elections 2012:  Epilogue to "We the People"


On Election day November 6, 2012

the Principality operating behind the spirit Victory

lost its place to operate through

America's White Male Establishment


The Stronghold of the Nicolaitan spirit

that has ruled over America

since the days of America's Founding Fathers was weakened when President Obama was elected in 2008

and was Pulled Down over America when he was re-elected


However, the Principality operating behind

"Santiago the Usurper" 

 has not lost its place over America

and this spirit will manifest itself through the

offspring of the Spanish Knights of Santiago -



November 6, 2012:  Against all reasoning - President Barack won a second term to serve as President of the United States and his landslide Victory stunned America's White Male Establishment.      


"We the People" has been redefined:  America's "White Male Establishment" was birthed by the "White Males" who wrote America's Constitution.  And, according to the White Males who wrote the Constitution only white men who owned land could vote. Yet, it was the diverse coalition of minorities, women, youth and lower income people, the very people that America's Founding Fathers would have thought unthinkable of allowing them the right to vote - they are the very ones who redefined "We the People" and did the more unthinkable - the man they voted for was an African American - a man the Founding Fathers deemed was only three-fifths of a man. 


Needless to say, not all educated or wealthy white males embrace the mentality of the "White Male Establishment" - as many voted for Barack Obama as well. 


One might argue that the Constitution was amended to allow everyone to vote.  However, an Amended Constitution did not nor does not change someone's heart - otherwise changes to the Constitution would have been made other than through the shedding of blood and other long fought political battles.  


Although there are other spirits operating through the "White Male Establishment," for the purposes of this section - the principality I want to focus on is the "Nicolaitan Spirit" whose goal is to have victory over others by lording over them through various forms of fear and intimidation.  Needless to say, anyone who enslaved another human being and excluded others from the right to vote was to lord over them as well.


The word "Victory" is important to take note of.  Again, the Nicolaitan spirit gains Victory over people by "lording over" them.  And, it is obvious that a manifestation of this spirit was operating through the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution.  It is also obvious that this spirit no longer has the Victory - the White Male Establishment has suffered defeat at the hands of the very people that America's Founding Fathers sought to lord over.  President Obama did indeed have "Victory" both in the Natural realm and the Spiritual realm.


Two articles that ran in the Wall Street Journal & The Washington Post say it all: 


1.  The Wall Street Journal:  Mitt Romney won the white vote 59% to 39%, the biggest share for a Republican since 1988 - and it was still not enough to put him in the White House.[19] 


2.  The Washington Post:  Republican leaders awoke Wednesday to witness their grim future.  And then they promptly began what promises to be an extended period of internal strife over how a party that skews toward older white men can compete in an increasingly diverse nation.[20]  


"Stunned" Fox News Commentators:  The following comments made by Bill O'Reilly and John McCain are representative of the White Male Establishment and their disbelief that President Obama could be re-elected:    

Bill O'Reilly to John McCain:  But do you understand what the New York Times wants, and the far-left want?  They want to break down the white, Christian, male power structure, which you're a part, and so am I, and they want to bring in millions of foreign nationals to basically break down the structure that we have.  In that regard, Pat Buchanan is right.  So I say you've got to cap with a number.  (Source: YouTube)


Bill O'Reilly to Megyn Kelly:  The White Establishment is Now the Minority:  O’Reilly went on to predict that Romney would lose the election if he lost Ohio.  “How do you think we got to that point?” host Megyn Kelly wondered.  “Because it’s a changing country,” O’Reilly insisted. “The demographics are changing. It’s not a traditional America anymore and there are 50 percent of the voting public who want stuff, they want things. And who is going to give them things? President Obama.”  The white establishment is now the minority,” he added. “And the voters — many of them — feel that this economic system is stacked against them and they want stuff. You’re going to see a tremendous Hispanic vote for President Obama, overwhelming black vote for President Obama and women will probably break President Obama’s way.”  People feel that they are entitled to things. And which candidate between the two is going to give them things?”  (Source: YouTube)


And, many within the Republican Party were almost "mad with terror" when they realized that the White Male Establishment suffered a major defeat!

America's Lawmakers came under the influence of Fame & believed the Rumor of War


The main focus of the Apotheosis of Washington, as shown below, is Washington portrayed as Jupiter with Liberty seated to his right and the main subject of this Chapter  – the goddess Victory/Fame seated to his left – all 3 representing the Americanized version of the three deities worshipped on Capitoline Hill in Rome. 




The terms Victory & Nicolaitan are one and the same spirit.  And, the  symbolism of Victory seated alongside Washington on a rainbow reveals the Founding Fathers embraced the "doctrine of the Nicolaitans":  to be victorious over the people.  Given that the rainbow is symbolic of a covenant - then we know that America's Founding Fathers entered into covenants with the spirits operating behind the gods pagans worshipped. 


Victory is an aggressor and “delights” in leading nations into war as well as a goddess who “delights” in war for the sake of war.  And, interestingly, many nations view America as just that:  an aggressor in war and a nation who delights in war.


America entered the war with Iraq based on a "Rumor" which is a manifestation of "Fame" - Victory's counterpart.      


The look of terror on the "winged statue of vicory" as shown below was reflected on the faces of Fox News Commentors who were stunned as the election results came in.


Figure 8- 5 Idols will go Mad with Terror

(Photo By Petros Giannakouris -- Associated Press) [21]


Jeremiah 50:38 will help us to understand the symbolism of the “terror” on the face of the winged statue of Victory/Nike.


Jeremiah 50:38 A drought on her waters!  They will dry up.  For it is a land of idols, idols that will go mad with terror.


In late August, when one of the historic wildfires that ravaged Greece this summer came within a few yards of Ancient Olympia considered to be a pagan “sacred sanctuary” – the news media captured a picture of the winged statue of the “Greek goddess of Victory” as shown above. 


The pagan goddess “Victory” also known as “Nike” is pictured standing in front of the smoke and fire that is coming from the village of ancient Olympia directly behind her.  She has a look of terror on her face and she appears to be fleeing from the smoke and fire that is behind her.


And, many within the Republican Party were almost "mad with terror" when they realized that the White Male Establishment suffered a major defeat.



One of the ruling principalities over America has a name that is familiar to all who live in the United States. That name is “Liberty." The image of Liberty, also called “Freedom”, sits as a statue atop the U.S. Capitol building, which also serves as her temple. She was the basis for a new secular religion in America, replacing Christianity as America’s official state religion as prescribed by England at that point in time, and was the impetus behind America’s new secular law.  This was law based not upon Christian precepts or the Bible, but law based upon historical precedents introduced by men considered as lawmakers, but who, for the most part, were pagans.


The Temple of Liberty:  When plans for the United States Capitol were made, it was to be a “civic temple” to serve a “quasi-religious function."


“To plan a dome as the Capitol’s central element implied that the building was to serve a quasi-religious function – indeed to be a civic temple. … During the American Revolution, several actual or metaphorical secular ‘temples’ had been … erected, each extolling some aspect of the young country’s purpose and history or the conduct of American patriots."[22]


September 11, 1787

And, on September 11, 1787, James Wilson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, prophesied that the new federal government would “lay a foundation for erecting temples of liberty in every part of the earth.”[23]  And, it was not happenstance that September 11 corresponds to the day and month that terrorist attacked America in 2001.


These temple-like structures were deemed appropriate because liberty was a new secular religion in Revolutionary America. On September 11, 1787, jurist and signer of the Declaration of Independence James Wilson, … prophesied that the new federal government would ‘lay a foundation for erecting temples of liberty in every part of the earth.’”[24] (emphasis added)


Because America is attempting to fulfill this prophecy of establishing “liberty” in all parts of the earth, on September 11, 2001- a date that corresponds to September 11,1787 - terrorist attacks against America on American soil began and they will continue as long as America interferes with other governments that exist by the authority of God.  Muslims are fighting back because their religious beliefs are everything to the Nations of Islam.  They are resisting a democracy that would change that.  

We may not agree with other forms of government however Scripture reveals that all governments were ordained by the LORD - Romans 13:1 1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.  For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  After all, Jesus Himself submitted to the pagan Roman government.     

If “liberty”, as defined by America, is established in Muslim countries, they understand that liberty would become their new secular religion and the Koran would no longer be their ultimate source of authority.  Muslims do not want to be liberated from Islam and the teachings of the Koran.  Liberty threatens the very existence of Islamic beliefs that they and their forefathers have fought for since the early seventh century and will continue to fight for – hence their holy wars.


Needless to say, as a Christian I know that Islam is a false religion but I also understand that the ideology behind Liberty is a false doctrine as well.  One only has to understand the meaning behind Liberty to understand that the Constitution and "freedom of religion" is opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Once again, the symbolism of Liberty seated to the right of George Washington in The Apotheosis of Washington speaks volumes.


Figure 8- 6 Washington as a Composite of Jupiter and Mithra

Source: Constantine Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol [25]


When Washington points to the Constitution, he is directing our attention to Liberty as well as to the Constitution.  Washington is acknowledging his regard for this particular deity, which links the American Constitution to the spiritual realm and to a spiritual covenant.  And the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion which is opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


President Bush:  218 years after James Wilson prophesied in Philadelphia that the new federal government would "lay a foundation for erecting temples of liberty in every part of the earth," those same sentiments were echoed once again in Philadelphia  in 2005 - this time by President Bush.  On December 12, 2005 in a speech to the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, President Bush shared his thoughts about America's role in establishing a Democracy in Iraq.  Following are excerpts of that speech:


"Today, I'm going to speak in depth about another vital element of our strategy: our efforts to help the Iraqi people build a lasting democracy in the heart of the Middle East.  I can think of no better place to discuss the rise of a free Iraq than in the heart of Philadelphia, the city where America's democracy was born.  A few blocks from here stands Independence Hall, where our Declaration of Independence was signed and our Constitution was debated. ...Today, I want to discuss the political element of our strategy: our efforts to help the Iraqis build inclusive democratic institutions that will protect the interests of all the Iraqi people.  ...  By helping Iraqis build a democracy, we will inspire reformers across the Middle East.  ...  Democracy takes different forms in different cultures. Yet in all cultures, successful free societies are built on certain common foundations: rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, a free economy and freedom to worship.  Respect for the belief of others is the only way to build a society where compassion and tolerance prevail.  Societies that lay these foundations not only survive, but thrive. Societies that do not lay these foundations risk backsliding into tyranny.


... And the advance of freedom in the Middle East requires freedom in Iraq. By helping Iraqis build a lasting democracy, we will spread the hope of liberty across a troubled region. We'll gain new allies in the cause of freedom.  ... Not far from here, where we gather today, is a symbol of freedom familiar to all Americans: the Liberty Bell. When the Declaration of Independence was first read in public, the Liberty Bell was sounded in celebration and a witness said, "It rang as if it meant something."  Today the call of liberty is being heard in Baghdad, in Basra and other Iraqi cities, and its sound is echoing across the broader Middle East. From Damascus to Tehran, people hear it and they know it means something. It means that the days of tyranny and terror are ending and a new day of hope and freedom is dawning." [26]


In reality, they were both wrong!  America's attempts to establish a Democratic form of government in Iraq that would serve as the model for the mid-east have, not surprisingly, failed. 


America’s Founding Fathers concept of Liberty is a fallacy.  America’s ideology of liberty is liberty apart from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and because of that, Americans in general as well as politicians have become blinded to the true meaning of liberty.  It was their concept of Liberty that many Americans embraced and like the Founding Fathers, they too have become enslaved to this deceptive liberty.


America’s Ideology of Liberty is a form of “idolatry."  One only has to walk around our nation's capitol to see symbols of Liberty throughout.  In other words, like the Athenians, America’s Founding Fathers were “most religious and very reverent to demons." Those beliefs included incorporating the images and objects of worship associated with those deities into the iconography of the United States Capitol as well as the design of the Capitol itself.


Acts 17: 16, 22-23 22Now while Paul was awaiting them at Athens, his spirit was grieved and roused to anger as he saw that the city was full of idols. … So Paul standing in the center of the Areopagus [Mars Hill meeting place], said: Men of Athens, I perceive in every way [on every hand and with every turn I make] that you are most religious or very reverent to demons. For as I passed along and carefully observed your objects of worship, I came also upon an altar with this inscription, To the unknown god. Now what you are already worshipping as unknown, this I set forth to you. (Amplified Bible, emphasis added)


In verse 22, the King James version of the Bible reads, “I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious." The word “superstitious”, according to Strong’s Concordance (G1174) is the compound of a derivative of the base of G1169 and means to be “more religious than others – too superstitious." Superstitious, according to Strong’s G1169 means “timid, i.e. by implication faithless: fearful, and superstitious, verse 22, is referring to a demon or supernatural spirit of a bad nature: a devil.


In other words, it is a demonic spirit operating behind superstition and it is this spirit operating behind the concept of “Liberty” and religious freedom.  America’s politicians may be “awe-inspired” that America is a nation that embraces religious freedom, yet their PRIDE is idolatry – and pride goes before the fall.


Liberty is not about “democracy” or “religious freedom” – it is about Jesus Christ setting the captives free! We are not at liberty to tolerate and embrace the customs of other religions – we are to be Ambassadors for Jesus Christ who is “the way” and the only way to God the Father.


Jesus Christ is the “Perfect Law of Liberty” (James 2:12, 1:25). “Liberty” is not about being liberated from Christianity – it is about Jesus Christ “liberating” those in captivity.


If America were truly a Christian nation - then America would not celebrate or tolerate religions that are opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.







Hussein and the Bushes

Figure 8- 7 Conflicts Shaped Two Presidencies

Source: The Washington Post [27]



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List of Figures



Figure 8- 1 The Apotheosis of Washington

Figure 8- 2 Mithra on a Rainbow

Figure 8- 3 George Washington as Patreae Peter

Figure 8- 4 Allegorical Sketch of Columbus' Triumph

Figure 8- 5 Idols will go Mad with Terror

Figure 8- 6 Washington as a Composite of Jupiter and Mithra

Figure 8- 7 Conflicts Shaped Two Presidencies




[1] Peter Baker, "Conflicts Shaped Two Presidencies." The Washington Post, December 31, 2006: A21

[2] Peter Baker, "Conflicts Shaped Two Presidencies." The Washington Post, December 31, 2006: A21

[3] "Apotheosis of Washington." Architect of the Capitol website. February 6, 2013.

[4] Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, p.70

[5] Ibid

[6] Rex R. Hutchens, A Glossary To Morals and Dogma, p.78

[7] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.41

[8] Architect of the Capitol, Art in the United States Capitol, p.4

[9] Vivien Fryd, Art & Empire, p.193-195

[10] Bob Woodward, “A Course of Confident Action”, The Washington Post, November 19, 2002, p.A1

[11] Dana Milbank, “Veni, Vidi, Vici” The General Does Battle With … a Broken Mike,” The Washington Post, 11 September11, 2007: A1, A2

[12] Dana Milbank, "Mike Snafu Mars Petraeus Appearance," The Washington Post website, September 10, 2007,

[13] CNN Website, "CIA chief Petraeus resigns over affair," Dana Ford, 10 November 2012,

[14] John Clark Ridpath, The New Complete History of the United States of America, p.318-319

[15] Ibid

[16] Ibid, p.318

[17] James Grant Wilson and John Fiske, Appletons' Cyclopaedia of American Biography - Volume 1, p. 698

[18] Dana Milbank, "Mike Snafu Mars Petraeus Appearance," The Washington Post website, September 10, 2007,

[19] Juan Williams, "Obama's Daunting Demographic Message for the GOP," The Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2012: A21:

"The critical political message from President Obama's re-election victory Tuesday is that he cemented a new coalition of Democrats, led by the Latino vote, which threatens to reduce Republicans to an after-thought in future national elections.  Yes, Mr. Obama won with the same group of voters - Hispanics, blacks, Asians, young people and educated women - that brought him to power in 2008. 

"Obama's Daunting Demographic Message for the GOP"  Mitt Romney won the white vote 59% to 39%, the biggest share for a Republican since 1988 - and it was still not enough to put him in the White House.  He won the white-male vote by a whopping 27 points.  But white men made up only 34% of all voters. ... These numbers and the persistence of this new Democratic coalition present a threat to the future of the GOP, which is becoming the party of a declining number of older, white voters geographically centered in the South and in small towns and rural communities."

[20] Peter Wallsten, "Party Coalition at a Crossroads." The Washington Post, November 8, 2012: A1

[21] John F.L.Ross, "Fires Rage On Across Vast Swaths of Greece." The Washington Post website. August 27, 2007. (accessed 2013)

[22] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.44

[23] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.45

[24] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.45

[25] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.128 (picture without annotations)

[26] "The Struggle for Democracy in Iraq: Speech to the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia," Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 12 December 2005, (accessed December 15, 2018)

[27] Peter Baker, "Conflicts Shaped Two Presidencies." The Washington Post, December 31, 2006: A21