

America - Wake Up!

 There's a War in the Heavens Because of the Spiritual Cords

that Bind America to Ancient Babylon



But, it is as Jesus said:  those who do not follow His teachings - they will hear but never understand - they will see but never comprehend because the people's heart has grown dull.  And, and so it is with the American people who don't understand there is a spiritual aspect to every war America finds herself in - they cannot hear or see because their hearts have become hardened!  Matthew 13:13-15


America, as a nation, honors the Lord with their lips, but it's obvious from the laws our Lawmakers pass, the hearts of the American people who approve the laws, are far from Him.  Their worship is a farce - even the teachings of organized religion are nothing more than man-made ideas and traditions that nullify the teachings of Christ Jesus!  Matthew 15:7-9


On the other hand those of us who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ understand the Biblical principles of "Spiritual Warfare".  We understand the Biblical principal that our war whether it be on a personal or national level is in the heavens and that behind every war on earth there is a war going on in the spiritual realm at the same time between the heavenly host and the geographical principalities behind the countries at war here on earth.  We understand that all wars lost or won on earth are the results of wars lost or won in the heavens fought by the heavenly armies.  And, that includes America!  Daniel 10 and Ephesians 6:12


We understand that the Biblical Leviathan is not just a Symbol of Babylon, but is a spiritual being and is one of the Geographical Principalities that our Founding Fathers invoked over America that continues to wields it's Influence over America's Lawmakers, regarding Lending & Borrowing & America's War in Iraq. 


The purpose of this book is to shed light on three of the Spiritual Cords (Isaiah 5:18) that "spiritually" bind America to ancient Babylon which is located in modern-day Iraq.  These spiritual cords bind America to Iraq because America's lawmakers only see things from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.  Scripture tells us that God will not be mocked; and it's because of these satanic spiritual cords laid down by America's founding fathers that America got entangled in the on-going war in Iraq.  Later in this book I will go into greater detail concerning how Spiritual Cords are formed between people and nations.  But as an introduction I want to give a brief overview concerning these three above mentioned spiritual cords. 


To begin with, it might surprise some Christians to discover that America's laws have a distinctly pagan influence.  This includes the influence of Hammurabi, the sixth king of the first Babylonian dynasty who, according to the Relief Portrait inscription in the U.S. Capitol House chamber, ruled from 2067-2025 B.C (however, according to other, more recent sources, his reign was from 1795 or 1792 to 1750 BC).  The following is a quote from Art in the Unites States Capitol prepared by the Architect of the Capitol, which describes the 23 relief portraits in the House Chamber in the US Capitol.


“The 23 relief portraits in marble are of men noted in history for the part they played in the evolution of what has become American law.  They were placed over the gallery doors of the House of Representatives Chamber when it was remodeled 1949-50 ...  In chronological order the lawgivers are …”[1]


Figure 1- 1 Reliefs in the House Chamber - Lawgivers

Source: Art in the United States Capitol


The portraits are listed in chronological order with Hammurabi listed first.  His portrait and inscription that adorns the U.S. Capitol House chamber is as follows: [2]


Again, Hammurabi is one of twenty-three relief portraits that adorns the Chambers of the House of Representatives.  These twenty-three marble relief portraits of "Lawgivers" were selected by a special committee for their work in establishing the principles that underlie American law.  Hammurabi was famous for his "Code of Laws" known as Hammurabi's Code of Laws.  Interestingly, Hammurabi believed that he was ordained by the pagan gods Anu and Bel to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land. 


Obviously, our American lawmakers did not choose Hammurabi or the other pagan lawmakers because of their righteousness.  Then again, a civil government does not equate to a righteous government.  They were chosen because they made moral laws based on their sense of right and wrong - according to the laws that were written on their hearts.  Even Hammurabi, the pagan king of Babylon enforced moral laws.


The "Influence" of the lawmakers of antiquity and their false gods became "spiritual cords" that "bound" America to many countries.  And, Hammurabi's influence on America's lawmakers became a "spiritual cord" that still binds America to Babylon - modern day Iraq. 


I want to draw attention to the fact that Saddam Hussein claimed to be a descendant to Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon.  Hence - Saddam Hussein's fall! 


Figure 1- 2 Hammurabi Relief

Source: Art in the United States Capitol


At this point, it is important to note that "Shamash" the Babylonian deity that influenced Hammurabi was known as "Mithra" in ancient Persia - modern day Iran.  And, this is important because George Washington is portrayed as "Mithra" in the Apotheosis of Washington, the mural which is the focal point of the Rotunda in the US Capitol.  And, it is well known that Mithra the Persian military deity is one of the pagan deities that Free Masons honored which explains why Washington was portrayed wearing the robes of a god from the waist down and a military uniform from the waist up. 


And, this too is another spiritual cord connecting America to the ancient civilizations.  This particular spiritual cord connects America to both ancient Iran and ancient Babylon as the Babylonian empire fell to ancient Persia and came under Persia rule.  And, this too is another spiritual cord connecting America to ancient Babylon and will be discussed in greater detail.


Given that George Washington is portrayed as the Persian military deity "Mithra" in the Apotheosis of Washington, the mural which is the focal point of the Rotunda of the US Capitol it's important to note that in ancient Persia the Babylonian deity "Shamash" that influenced Hammurabi was known as "Mithra".  And, this too is another spiritual cord connecting America to ancient Babylon and will be discussed in greater detail.


And, I want to point out that "Mithredath", a follower of the Persian deity Mithra, is mentioned in Ezra 1:8 and Ezra 4:7.


Ezra 1:8 8 Even those did Cyrus king of Persia bring forth by the hand of Mithredath the treasurer, and numbered them unto Sheshbazzar, the prince of Judah. (KJV)


Ezra 4:7 7 And in the days of Artaxerxes wrote Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel, and the rest of their companions, unto Artaxerxes king of Persia; and the writing of the letter was written in the Syrian tongue, and interpreted in the Syrian tongue. (KJV)


And, it's important to note that for 21 days it was the "Prince of the kingdom of Persia" the satanic angel of darkness that kept the angel Gabriel from delivering a message from God to Daniel that would help Daniel understand what would happen in the future concerning Israel.  And, it was only after Michael, the guardian archangel over Israel came to Gabriel's aid that Gabriel was able to reach Daniel.


People die - however spiritual beings do not - and the war in the heavens between these satanic angels of darkness and God's army of angels will continue until all of Christ's enemies are displaced from the heavens and put under His foot.  And, when our Founding Fathers who were Free Masons used images to spiritually connect America to the ancient civilizations - in essence they were invoking these pagan deities giving them the right to rule over and influence America for generations to come.


And, the war in the heavens between these satanic angels of darkness and God's army of angels will continue until all of Christ's enemies are displaced from the heavens and put under His foot.


During the times of the Judges Scripture reveals that the Israelites went a whoring after Baalim and made Baal Berith the pagan's "god of covenants" their god Judges 8:33.  And, it was money taken out of Baal-berith's temple that the Israelites used to hire what today we would call mercenaries Judges 9:4.  


And, this is important because like Baal Beirth two of the characteristics of Mirthra is that the pagans believed he too was a covenant deity as well as a military deity.  And, interestingly, just as the pagans portrayed Mithra seated on a rainbow in the Apotheosis of Washington America's great military leader George Washington he too is portrayed as a military god seated on a rainbow - the satanic perversion of the Biblical symbol for covenant. 


The following two pictures are of George Washington seated on a rainbow in the Apotheosis of Washington and later in this book I will go into greater detail concerning the Apotheosis of Washington as there is much more concerning the significance of the Apotheosis of Washington.


This particular picture is a close up of Washington seated on the rainbow in the Apotheosis of Washington.  And, the following picture is of the Apotheosis of Washington [3] in its entirety.


Figure 1- 3 From the Apotheosis of Washington



Figure 1- 4 The Apotheosis of Washington

Source: Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol


The existence of a Kingdom of Darkness at work in the world influencing the behavior of humans on a personal level as well as a national level is clearly revealed in Scripture.  And, that is the reason that Christ Jesus came into this world:  "to destroy the works of the devil" 1 John 3:8!  


1 John 3:8 8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. (KJV)


Scripture reveals that when Christ has destroyed the works of the devil and all His enemies are under His foot that Christ Jesus will return and establish His Kingdom 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. 


But until then, Satan who has the power of death, (Hebrews 2:14) not as lord but simply as executioner, and who is the prince of the devils (Matthew 12:24) and ruler and god of this age (John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4) exercises authority over the lower heavens and is the spirit working in the disobedient to do his will. 


Until Christ returns, Satan who is the prince of the power of the air - the commander of the powers in the unseen world and the angels that fell with him - they will continue to wield their influence over both people and nations who refuse to obey God's commandments 1 Chronicles 21:1; John 8:44; Acts 5:3; Acts 13:10; Matthew 16:23; Luke 22:3; Ephesians 2:2; Matthew 13:19. 


The devil may be able to tempt and influence people however he cannot force anyone to sin. 


We  know from Matthew 16:21-23 and other Scriptures that Satan and these Geographical Principalities are able to Operate through the mindset of people who see things merely from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.     


  • He can only rule over people if they let him:  Ephesians 2:2; 1 John 5:19. 
  • We can escape his influence in our lives through prayer for deliverance from evil: Matthew 6:13; John 17:15; Luke 13:16;  2 Corinthians 2:11; Ephesians 6:11; Acts 26:18; James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-9.
  • And, in His power and authority Christ has given us power over Satan.  Luke 10:17-20; Revelation 12;


We know from Scripture that Satan's rule is limited.  Scripture reveals that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob maintains "Sovereign" rule over Satan and "all" earthly activities.  Like Satan all evil spirits can only act with God's permission:  Job 1:12; Zechariah 3:1-2; Judges 9:23; 1 Samuel 16:14; 1 Kings 22:19-23.  And, in the end, Satan and the angels that fell with him will be cast into the lake of fire that has been prepared for them.  Matthew 12:24-26; Revelation 20:10.   


But until all the enemy has been put under the foot of Christ there is an ongoing battle in the spiritual realm between God's Angels and the Geographical Principalities that the Prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul spoke of.  Daniel 10; Ephesians 6. 


We know from Daniel 10 that there are Geographical Principalities over the Nations of the World that wield their influence over the nations and that there is an ongoing battle in the spiritual realm between God's Angels and these Geographical Principalities. 


And, in Ephesians 6 the Apostle Paul also speaks of this spiritual battle in the heavens as well.  Paul reveals that the Christians battle is not with flesh and blood but against the principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness of this world and against the spiritual forces of the evil spirits in the heavenly realm. 


The Christians life of those of us who have picked our cross to follow Christ is one of spiritual warfare and if we are to win this spiritual battle that we are in then we need to follow Paul's instructions:  we are to stand against the wiles of the devil and the battle in the spiritual realm by putting on the whole Armor of God and after we have done all that we can do then we are to just stand there.   


Ephesians 6 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (NKJV)


And, we know from Matthew 16:21-23 that these Geographical Principalities are able to operate through the mindset of people who see things merely from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.   And, so it is with America and America's Secular Lawmakers who are influenced by these Geographical Principalities because they only see things from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.


The purpose of this book is to shed light on the Spiritual Cords that "spiritually" bind America to modern-day Iraq because America's lawmakers only see things from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.  Scripture tells us that God will not be mocked; and it's because of these satanic spiritual cords laid down by America's founding fathers that America got entangled in the on-going war in Iraq. 


Those of us who understand "Spiritual Warfare" understand the Biblical principal that our war is in the heavenlies and that behind every war on earth there is a war going on in the spiritual realm between the heavenly host and the geographical principalities behind the countries at war here on earth.  Ephesians 6:12


And, these Geographical Principalities operate through "spiritual cords" that can also be thought of as "Spiritual Vines" (Jeremiah 48:32) vines that were planted by America's Founding Fathers that among other things "spiritually" Bind America to Ancient Babylon & Modern Day Iraq.


America is held captive by the "cords of their own sins" that the Prophet Isaiah spoke of in Isaiah 5:18 and that King Solomon spoke of in Proverbs 5:22.  And, over time each new generation of America's Lawmakers added the "cords of their sins" to the "cords of the sins of America's Founding Fathers" and when combined these "cords of sins" became a "rope" that was strong enough to pull a cart load of sins.  A rope strong enough for today's  Lawmakers to drag the sins of America's Founding Fathers behind them like a cart.


Anyone who has planted vines in their yard knows that as the vine grows it will spread out all over the yard.  And, this is why the Prophet Jeremiah used the analogy of a vine to convey a spiritual truth.  The point Jeremiah wanted to make was that as "spiritual vines" grow the vines are able to spread from one geographical area to other geographical areas including nations located across the sea.


And, as these spiritual vines spread from one country to another country the enemy is able to uses these vines to influence in one way or other the countries their vines reach.  And, just as vines that grow and spread in a garden cause destruction to crops - "spiritual influence" can grow and spread like tendrils from one geographical area to another causing destruction  Jeremiah 48:32.  And, so it is with America.  The influence of the pagan civilizations of antiquity that our founding fathers were influenced by and embraced still negatively affect America today


Jeremiah 48:32 32 O vines of Sibmah, I weep for you more than the weeping of Jazer [over its ruins and wasted vineyards]. Your tendrils [of influence] have gone over the sea, reaching even to Jazer. The destroyer has fallen upon your summer fruit harvest and your [season’s] crop of grapes.  (Amplified Bible, emphasis added)


These "tendrils of influence" or "Spiritual cords" bind America to Iraq and describes the Babylonian influence produced by the vines that sprung up and started to grow from the roots planted by our founding fathers when they incorporated the ideology of the ancient Babylonians into the founding of America.  As these tendrils continue to grow and reach maturity they continue to influence America in a way that has been and continues to be extremely destructive to our country.


Again, the purpose of this book is to shed light on the Spiritual Cords that "spiritually" bind America to modern-day Iraq.  Scripture tells us that God will not be mocked; and it's because of these satanic spiritual cords laid down by America's founding fathers that America got entangled in the on-going war in Iraq. 


Those of us who understand "Spiritual Warfare" understand the Biblical principal that our war is in the heavenlies and that behind every war on earth there is a war going on in the spiritual realm between the heavenly host and the geographical principalities behind the countries at war here on earth.  Ephesians 6:12


Ephesians 6:11-12 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  (KJV)


For example, the prince of Persia that the prophet Daniel speaks of in Daniel 10:13; 20 is a geographical principality over Persia and we know from multiple other Scriptures that those angels that fell with Satan as well as the demons  are able to influence the earthly rulers as well as individuals who only see things from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.


Matthew 16:22-23 22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.  23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.  (KJV)


The prince of Persia that the prophet Daniel speaks of in Daniel 10:13; 20 is one of the third that fell with Satan and who now serves Satan as the angel of darkness over the Persian world powers.   This particular geographical principality, the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia, was the same spirit wielding his influence over Saddam Hussein, a modern-day King of Babylon - and it was only after this particular principality operating behind Saddam Hussein fell to the earth that Saddam Hussein was himself captured.  Needless to say, there are many other principalities from this same dominion that have not been dislodged - but it is only a matter of time! 


Revelation 12:7-12 7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, 8 but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.  9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.  10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.  11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.  12 Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” (ESV)


The prince of the kingdom of Persia is the satanic principality or ruler over the kingdom of Persia which at times included the many other countries that came under their authority - they in turn are under the authority of Satan who Scripture reveals is the god and ruler of this world having usurped man's dominion over what the Lord had given him.  However, Scripture also reveals that after all the enemy has been dislodged and placed under the foot of Jesus the end will come - and as the great Apostle John prayed - I too pray "Come Lord Jesus Come - Come and establish Your Kingdom".   1 Corinthians 15:20-28; Revelation 22:20.


Iconography:  Iconography, images and symbolism used in art, is a form of visual communication that America’s Founding Fathers used to both reveal and conceal their ideology concerning the founding of America and its new government.  Though certain ideas were conveyed to the public – the full meaning of the allegories incorporated into their iconography remained hidden.  It is what the iconography meant to conceal from the public that is the most revealing.  Why the need to conceal?  They wanted to conceal their personal beliefs concerning government and religion, but even more so, they wanted to conceal that "We the People" did not include "All the People." 


They also wanted to conceal that their fascination with ancient antiquity and their gods was more than just a fascination.  In other words, America's Founding Fathers were actually "influenced" by the pagan belief system that their false gods ordained their rulers to govern the land and that's clear from all the pagan symbols throughout our government buildings.  The worship of pagan gods was and is not just a meaningless tradition of man carried over from antiquity.  It was and is a bona fide (false) religion.  The spirits that operate behind these pagan deities are the angels that fell when Satan fell.  Daniel 10 is only one Scripture that clearly reveals that these pagan gods rule over geographical areas and have human representatives that maintain places of worship for them.


As Spirit led Christians we know that there is always a spiritual dimension to the earthly.  One is not inconsistent with the other, as one cannot exist without the other.  As it concerns animals, this all began when Satan used the serpent as a tool to hide behind when he tempted Eve.  And, for that reason, there is a spiritual nature of the serpent that we should be aware of.  Not only is the serpent man’s natural enemy – the serpent also represents man’s “Spiritual Enemy." Needless to say, it is significant that both the animal and Satan were two dominant entities in the Adamic dispensation and for that reason the spiritual connection or relationship between Satan and animals is of importance.


Spiritual Triangles:  It is a well known fact that the "triangle" is sacred within the occult and that Washington, DC is well known for all its "spiritual triangles" that can be found throughout the entire city.  Within the fish itself, one can easily find triangles that help make up both the body and tail of the fish. 


Therefore, it was not just happenstance that Mosul, the city where Saddam Hussein's sons and grandson were killed by American troops constitutes the uppermost tip of the so-called "Sunni triangle" and was a stronghold of Hussein's Ba'ath party.  Nor was it just happenstance that Saddam Hussein was born within the Sunni Triangle and that the city of Ad-Dawr where Hussein was captured lies within the heart of the Sunni Triangle. 


This is not the only spiritual connection that America has to modern day Iraq.  America's Founding Fathers used other symbols throughout the Capitol, etc to "spiritually" bind America to Nimrod's Empire, which included both Babylon and Nineveh (Genesis 10:8-11).  America is spiritually tied to Biblical Babylon and Nimrod's ideology of "one language" and a one-world order.  There is no doubt that Iraq and America are spiritually connected. 


Isaiah 5:18 reveals there are spiritual cords of vanity and Psalm 78:50 speaks of a "Spiritual Path".


The Spiritual Roots of America's Economic Crisis:  Spiritually, the fish is also symbolic of Leviathan, a large sea monster or serpent.  According to Scripture, the Hebrew meaning for the word, Leviathan, means twisted or coiled and comes from a primitive root that means “to borrow as a form of obligation” or “to lend” in the sense that that the one who borrows “joins himself” to the lender.  Moreover, Leviathan “is a king over all the children of pride” (Job 41:34) and “causes people to lend and borrow."  In other words, the Leviathan has spiritual dominion over anyone who is prideful and embraces covetousness practices.  For that reason it is able to operate through people’s sin of pride and greed “causing” people and nations to lend and borrow.  When their sins of pride and greed are filled to the brim, then the result is personal and global fear, chaos and confusion that we are witnessing at the present time, which are all manifestations of the Leviathan spirit.  The word Leviathan is also translated as "mourning" - and the day is coming when all American's will mourn the fact that America's debt to China and Japan has become a "Financial Weapon of War" that both countries wield over America (Job 3:8).   


Job 3:8 8 Let them curse it that curse the day, who are ready to raise up their mourning.  Or, according to other translations - Those who are ready to arouse Leviathan. 


In the context of Job 8:3, China knows exactly what they are doing.  They put themselves in a place to be able to curse America - a curse that will make America "Mourn"!


Again, in the context of Scripture, the word Leviathan (H3882) comes from a primitive root (H3867) that means "To Borrow as a form of Obligation" - to lend in the sense the borrower joins himself to the lender.  Hence, in lending and borrowing America has joined herself to that old ancient serpent the devil. And, it is significant that Ezekiel 28:15-18 reveals that not only did our adversary sin in his pride - but as verse 16 and 18 reveals that by the "multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou has sinned" and "by the iniquity of thy traffick".   So, we should not be surprised that Revelation 13:16-17 reveals that  no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the Beast.


America's portrayal of the Nineveh Fish that surrounds the environs of our nation's Capitol is only one of the Spiritual Cords that Binds America to Spiritual Babylon - modern-day Iraq.  And, this Fish helps us to understand the Spiritual Aspects of the War between America, Iraq and the spirits that were operating behind both Saddam Hussein, a modern-day King of Babylon, and America


Without a doubt, the symbolism of the "fish" that identifies the Mall area lying geographically within the enclosures of the city spiritually connects Washington, DC to Iraq - specifically Nineveh, the great fish city - modern day Mosul.



America - Wake Up!

 there's a War in the Heavens



The “Rhema” Word of God


For those who are reading this book you probably already understand what a "Rhema" Word is.  However, for those who don't understand I want to a moment to give several examples from Scripture to explain the difference between the Logos Word and the Rhema Word and the importance of the Rhema Word in our lives.


The "Rhema" Word is when the Holy Spirit quickens us to a particular Scripture that is applicable to our current circumstances.  For example, I may have read a particular Scripture several times over a period of time - then one day the Scripture seemed to come alive and jump off the page.  Not only did it seem to come alive but I realized it spoke to the situation I was in.  I realized that it was the Holy Spirit quickening me to the very Scripture that would help me understand my present situation and instructing me as to what I should do. 


John 6:63 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the Words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. (KJV)

According to John 6:63 God's Words - they are Life.  The word "quickeneth" In John 6:63 reveals that the Holy Spirit will give life to the Scriptures that He quickens us to.   And, when

the Holy Spirit gives life to a particular Scripture that speaks to our present situation then the gates of hell will not prevail because we allowed God's Word to become a "Living" Word in our lives.  His Word became Rhema in our lives.


A rhema Word enables us to overcome Satan's temptations! Concerning God's Word in Matthew 4:4, Jesus answered by quoting from Deuteronomy 8:3, “No! The Scriptures say":  People do not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God.


And, when Jesus read Isaiah 61:1-2 in the Temple on the Sabbath we know that the words of the Prophet Isaiah that had been written so long ago were written for this particular Sabbath.  For it was on this particular Sabbath that after Jesus read Isaiah 61:1-2 He proclaimed "The Scripture you've just heard has been fulfilled this very day"!  On this particular Sabbath the words of Isaiah came to life - they were a rhema word.


Luke 4:14-21 14 And Jesus turned back in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and a fame went forth through all the region round about concerning him, 15 and he was teaching in their synagogues, being glorified by all. 16 And he came to Nazareth, where he hath been brought up, and he went in, according to his custom, on the sabbath-day, to the synagogue, and stood up to read; 17 and there was given over to him a roll of Isaiah the prophet, and having unfolded the roll, he found the place where it hath been written: 18 `The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because He did anoint me; To proclaim good news to the poor, Sent me to heal the broken of heart, To proclaim to captives deliverance, And to blind receiving of sight, To send away the bruised with deliverance, 19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.' 20 And having folded the roll, having given it back to the officer, he sat down, and the eyes of all in the synagogue were gazing on him. 21 And he began to say unto them-- `To-day hath this writing been fulfilled in your ears;' (YLT)

The New Testament


Only when the Holy Spirit quickens us to a particular Scripture will the words written in the Bible, become the living, active, and effective, rhema, Word of God in our own personal lives!  And, when we pray for the spiritual wisdom and revelation that the Apostle Paul speaks of in Ephasians 1:17-19 - in essence we are praying for a "Rhema" Word.


Ephesians 1:17-19 17 I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. 18 I pray that the perception of your mind may be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of His inheritance among the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of His vast strength. (HCSB)

Both logos (the written word) and rhema (the application of the written word) are the Words of God.  Logos is referring to the written word as a whole while the rhema word is referring to a specific Scripture that the Lord quickens us to that speaks to whatever is going on in our personal lives.  Rhema simply means to apply a specific Scripture to a specific situation; it is the application of the written (logos) word.  

The Logos Word becomes a Rhema Word in our lives only after the Holy Spirit quickens us to a particular Scripture.  But, a Rhema Word can also include prophecy, words of knowledge and dreams and visions from the Lord.  Which brings me to the day of Pentecost - the day the Church was born.  And, to explain to the crowd what was happening on the Day of Pentecost the Apostle Peter turned to the prophecies written by the prophet Joel.  Joel 2:28-29


The prophet Joel wrote about the spiritual blessings which would be poured forth in the Messianic age and this written word is the "Logos" Word.  And when the Apostle Peter applied Joel's remarkable prophecy to what had just transpired on the Day of Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit came down to indwell the followers of Jesus Christ and the church was born (Acts 2:16-21) then Joel 2:28-29 became a Living Word - a Rhema Word because what had just transpired was a fulfillment of Joel's prophecy.  


Acts 2:14-18 14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words: 15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.
16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: (KJV, emphasis added)

Peter was able to explain to those who were accusing the Disciples of being drunk that they weren't drunk but that the same Spirit that had inspired the prophets was now poured out on the followers of Jesus at Pentecost - just as the Prophet Joel prophesied.  


And, so it is with us.  The Holy Spirit that quickened Peter and the other Apostles and Disciples to Scripture so that they could understand their circumstances is also able to quicken us to the Scriptures that speak directly to the circumstances of our own personal lives.

Again, the Rhema Word is when the Lord is able to speak to us through the written Word.  When the Scriptures become the "Living" Word in our lives then we can apply the Scriptures to the events around us. 


As He was with the Apostles - the Lord is with us today.  For example, when we apply the written word (logos) of Judges 3:1-7 to the present day conflict between Gaza and Israel then we can understand that this on-going conflict between Gaza and Israel is according to God's Will.  And, when we apply Joshua's remarkable prophecy to the present day conflict between Israel and Gaza then Judges 3:1-7 becomes a Living Word - a Rhema Word because what is now transpiring is according to God's will and is a fulfillment of Joshua's prophecy.


At this point, I want to apply Judges 3:1-7 to the present day conflict between Gaza and Israel to demonstrate how God still uses Scripture in our lives to that we can understand the present day events happening even around the world.


I will begin with the written (logos) words as recorded in Judges 3:1-7:


Judges 3:1-5 Now these are the nations which the LORD left, to prove Israel by themeven as many of Israel as had not known all the wars of Canaan; Only that the generations of the children of Israel might know, to teach them war, at the least such as before knew nothing thereof; Namelyfive lords of the Philistines, and all the Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hivites that dwelt in mount Lebanon, from mount Baalhermon unto the entering in of Hamath.  And they were to prove Israel by them, to know whether they would hearken unto the commandments of the LORD, which He commanded their fathers by the hand of MosesAnd the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites, Hittites, and Amorites, and Perizzites, and Hivites, and Jebusites: (KJV, emphasis added)


"Gaza's Perpetual Hatred" for Israel:  We know from Scripture that "Gaza" is one of the 5 chief cities of the Philistines as well as several other pagan nations that the LORD left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the commands the LORD had given to their ancestors through Moses - Joshua 13:3. 


The Written (logos) Word becomes a Rhema Word:


As I was reading Judges 3:1-5 I understood that Lord left the "5 lords of the Philistines" to teach each new generation of Israelites who had no experience in war how to fight and defend themselves in battle.  And, without a doubt Israel has one of the best if not the best disciplined military in the world.  The Lord has been able to use Gaza's hatred towards Israel to teach the Israelites how important it is for them to have the best weapons of war, like that of the Iron Dome, at their disposal and the art of wielding them so that they will always be able to defend themselves against those nations that will always be their enemies. 


The Lord never changes (Malachi 3:6), and likewise, those like Gaza who harbor ancient hatred towards the Israelites, they will never change.  In other words, the mindset of the modern day Philistines who live in Gaza is a reflection of their forefathers as recorded in the Scriptures.  Therefore, to understand the recent conflict between Israel and Gaza we have to let the Lord speak to us through His Word - which we are so thankful for


Needless to say, the spiritual aspects of the conflict between Israel and Gaza are multi-faceted.  And, while not one of us will ever understand every aspect of the conflict - the Lord will provide us with enough understanding so that we know how to pray for Israel and stand alongside them. 


Additionally, even though I may not understand every aspect - I do understand this:  that those who accuse Israel of being the aggressor against Gaza - Scripture says otherwise - and God's word is Authoritative - not the opinion of the International community.  


In addition to Judges 3:1-5 Ezekiel 25:15 reveals that the conflict is because of Gaza's "Old Hatred" and their resolve to continue the long-held "spiteful hatred" of their forefathers and take vengeance on Israel for old defeats. 


Ezekiel 25:15 15 Thus saith the Lord God; Because the Philistines have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart, to destroy it for the old hatred; (KJV)


The Root of the Conflict:  I hear various news commentators and so-called Palestinian experts state that the "Root" of the conflict between Gaza and Israel is Israeli aggression and there will be further attacks from Gaza until Israeli aggression is dealt with.  On the other hand, one only has to meditate on what Scripture reveals about the Philistines to understand that the modern day Philistines attack in the same manner and for the same reasons their forefathers did:  Ezekiel 25:15-17 reveals that it is because of their "perpetual hatred", a hatred that began in Biblical times and a hatred which the modern day Philistines have resolved to continue.        


More to the point:  the root cause of all conflicts between Israel and Gaza is the Philistines "perpetual hatred" for the Israelis.  The roots go all the way back to their forefathers and like their forefathers the modern day Philistines want to take revenge and utterly destroy Israel for an "old hatred".  According to Scripture they take vengeance with a despiteful heart. 


Ezekiel 25:15-17 15Thus saith the Lord God; Because the Philistines have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart, to destroy it for the old hatred; 16Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethims, and destroy the remnant of the sea coast.17And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them. (KJV, emphasis added


It's obvious that the offspring of the ancient Philistines continue to harbor the "old hatred" of their forefathers for it is clearly demonstrated in their acts of hostility towards the Jewish people.  However, according to verse 16 the Philistines sin will become their punishment.   For wanting to destroy the Israelis - they themselves will be destroyed - they will reap what they have sown - and they shall know that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is Lord.


Given that Iraq and ancient Nineveh (modern day Mosul, Iraq) is a focus of this particular book then the prophecy being fulfilled in ancient Nineveh in our life time is of the utmost significance.   


I want to turn the focus to ISIS and how the Lord is using ISIS to carry out His will in ancient Ninveh.  Even though ISIS is not mentioned by name in the Scriptures - the Lord is using ISIS as His instrument to destroy many of the ancient sites, ancient pagan temples and numerous pagan artifacts in ancient Nineveh (modern day Mosul, Iraq) that was prophesied by the prophet Nahum. 


It's amazing how Scriptures and Prophecies written thousands of years ago seem as if they were written expressly for us so that we could understand the current events in our own life time.

And, so it was when Christ appeared to two of His disciples on the Road to Emmaus.


Luke 24:27 27 Then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. (NLT)


So they could understand that it was God's will that He should be persecuted, suffer and be delivered up by the chief priests and rulers to be condemned to death and be crucified Jesus turns their attention to the Scriptures in the Old Testament that seem as if written expressly for this occasion.


And, it is was after Jesus explained to them that the circumstances surrounding His crucifixion was in accordance with God's will that this wisdom entered into their hearts and the knowledge that Christ's crucifixion was according to God's will became pleasant to their souls.


Proverbs 2:10 10 For wisdom cometh into thy heart, And knowledge to thy soul is pleasant, (YLT)


And, so it is with us.  When we turn to the Scriptures for a Rhema Word concerning our own personal lives or the things going on in the world around us - then we too can find rest knowing that God is in control. 


We are blessed that even during our lifetime we see the fulfilling of Scripture.  Nahum 1is about an oracle concerning ancient Nineveh (modern day Mosul, Iraq).  Verse 14 is concerning the Assyrians in Nineveh and reveals that the Lord will destroy all the idols in the temples of their gods.


Nahum 1:14 14 And this is what the LORD says concerning the Assyrians in Nineveh: “You will have no more children to carry on your name. I will destroy all the idols in the temples of your gods. I am preparing a grave for you because you are despicable!” (NLT, emphasis added)


Now, read the following news articles that reveal in 2015 that the militant group ISIS utterly destroyed portions of ancient Nineveh dating back 2,700 years as well as numerous  images of the ancient gods in the city of Mosul which is modern day Nineveh - just as the prophet Nahum prophesied thousands of years ago!   



Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – page 1

Figure 1- 5 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 1

Source: Ancient Origins website [4]




Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – page 2

Figure 1- 6 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 2




Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – page 3

Figure 1- 7 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 3




Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – page 4

Figure 1- 8 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 4




ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – page 1

Figure 1- 9 ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – p. 1

Source: Haaretz website [5]



ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – page 2

ISIS (06).jpg

Figure 1- 10 ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – p. 2




ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – page 3

Figure 1- 11 ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – p. 3




ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – page 1

Figure 1- 12 ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – p. 1

Source: The Fiscal Times website [6]



ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – page 2

Figure 1- 13 ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – p. 2



ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – page 3

Figure 1- 14 ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – p. 3




Terror in the Mosul Museum – page 1

Figure 1- 15 Terror in the Mosul Museum – p. 1

Source: The New Yorker website [7]



Terror in the Mosul Museum – page 2

Figure 1- 16 Terror in the Mosul Museum – p. 2



Terror in the Mosul Museum – page 3

Figure 1- 17 Terror in the Mosul Museum – p. 3



Anyone who has read Scripture understands that there is a spiritual dimension to everything that happens in this world whether it is on a personal, national or international level and that's why Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul as well as others would always go to the Scriptures to help others understand the times they were living in whether it be on a personal, national or international level. 


So it is with the war between America and Iraq.


The Spiritual Aspects of the War Between America and Iraq:  In the following text I want to share with others the spiritual aspects of the war in Iraq including the many Scriptures the Holy Spirit quickened me to so that I could understand the spiritual aspects of the war between America and Iraq.




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List of Figures



Figure 1- 1 Reliefs in the House Chamber - Lawgivers

Figure 1- 2 Hammurabi Relief

Figure 1- 3 From the Apotheosis of Washington

Figure 1- 4 The Apotheosis of Washington

Figure 1- 5 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 1

Figure 1- 6 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 2

Figure 1- 7 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 3

Figure 1- 8 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 4

Figure 1- 9 ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – p. 1

Figure 1- 10 ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – p. 2

Figure 1- 11 ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – p. 3

Figure 1- 12 ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – p. 1

Figure 1- 13 ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – p. 2

Figure 1- 14 ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – p. 3

Figure 1- 15 Terror in the Mosul Museum – p. 1

Figure 1- 16 Terror in the Mosul Museum – p. 2

Figure 1- 17 Terror in the Mosul Museum – p. 3




[1] Art in the United States Capitol, p.282

[2] Art in the United States Capitol, p.286

[3] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.128 (picture annotate)

[4] April Holloway, "Tragedy as militants bomb a 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq," Ancient website, 01 February 2015, (accessed December 07, 2018)

[5] Julia Fridman, "ISIS' Destruction of Biblical Iraq: A Bitter Irony of History," Haaretz website, 08 March 2015, (accessed 07 December 2018)

[6] Riyadh Mohammed, "ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq," The Fiscal Times website, 26 February 2015, (accessed 07 December 2018)

[7] Amy Davidson Sorkin, "Terror in the Mosul Museum," New Yorker website, 27 February 2015. (accessed 07 December 2018)