
List of Figures and Bibliography



List of Figures





Figure 1- 1 Reliefs in the House Chamber - Lawgivers

Figure 1- 2 Hammurabi Relief

Figure 1- 3 From the Apotheosis of Washington

Figure 1- 4 The Apotheosis of Washington

Figure 1- 5 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 1

Figure 1- 6 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 2

Figure 1- 7 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 3

Figure 1- 8 Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700 year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq – p. 4

Figure 1- 9 ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – p. 1

Figure 1- 10 ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – p. 2

Figure 1- 11 ISIS destruction of biblical Iraq: A bitter irony of history – p. 3

Figure 1- 12 ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – p. 1

Figure 1- 13 ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – p. 2

Figure 1- 14 ISIS Destroys Second Largest Museum in Iraq – p. 3

Figure 1- 15 Terror in the Mosul Museum – p. 1

Figure 1- 16 Terror in the Mosul Museum – p. 2

Figure 1- 17 Terror in the Mosul Museum – p. 3


Chapter 1no figures


Chapter 2no figures


Chapter 3


Figure 3-1 Aerial View of Washington, DC Mall Area

Figure 3-2 List of Lawgivers in House Chamber

Figure 3-3 Relief of Hammurabi

Figure 3- 4 Development of the US Capitol - Cover Page

Figure 3- 5 Aerial View of DC Mall Area

Figure 3- 6 Fallow's Bible Encyclopedia - Cover Page

Figure 3- 7 Fallow's Bible Encyclopedia Nineveh - p.1238

Figure 3- 8 Fallows Bible Encyclopedia Nineveh - p.1239

Figure 3- 9 Sunni Triangle Map – Wikipedia

Figure 3- 10 Mosul the uppermost tip of the Sunni Trianglgle

Figure 3- 11 Ad-Dawr in the heart of the Sunni Triangle

Figure 3- 12 The Symbol "Daleth"

Figure 3- 13 The Federal Triangle

Figure 3- 14 U.S. Capitol "Goat's Head"

Figure 3- 15 Capitol Summer House Fountain

Figure 3- 16 U.S. Capitol Summer House Entrance Gate

Figure 3- 17 Federal Triangle Segments

Figure 3- 18 Statue of Chief Justice John Marshall

Figure 3- 19 Classical Temple by James Trenchard (1788)


Chapter 4


Figure 4- 1 U.S. Capitol Recepts-1

Figure 4- 2 U.S. Capitol Receipts-2

Figure 4- 3 U.S. Capitol Receipts - Parking Receipt

Figure 4- 4 President Clinton's Decision to Bomb Iraq on December 13, 1998

Figure 4- 5 Former dictator of Iraq  will face the justice he denied to millions

Figure 4- 6 Conversion of Washington, DC time to the time in Iraq

Figure 4- 7 How We Got Saddam

Figure 4- 8 Bearding the Tyrant

Figure 4- 9 Simple Ceremony Marks Hussein's Return for Burial

Figure 4- 10 Greed for Power was Saddam's Downfall-1

Figure 4- 11 Greed for Power was Saddam's Downfall-2

Figure 4- 12 How We Got Saddam – p.23

Figure 4- 13 How We Got Saddam – p.24

Figure 4- 14 Hussein's Babylon: A Beloved Atrocity

Figure 4- 15 Lincoln's Catafalque seen from inside Washington's Tomb

Figure 4- 16 Washington’s Tomb

Figure 4- 17 Lincoln's Catafalque with "Shadow"

Figure 4- 18 Lincoln's Catafalque: The Shadow of Death

Figure 4- 19 Close-up of Lincoln's Catafalque

Figure 4- 20 Last refuge a hole in ground

Figure 4- 21Hussein's "hole dug under a small hut"

Figure 4- 22 Hussein's Bunker

Figure 4- 23 The Raid

Figure 4- 24 President Bush sends his regards

Figure 4- 25 Excerpts from Bush's News Conference - Good Riddance

Figure 4- 26 Saddam's Capture – p.1

Figure 4- 27 – Saddam’s Capture – p.2

Figure 4- 28 Saddam’s Capture – p.3

Figure 4- 29 Saddam’s Capture – p.4

Figure 4- 30 Saddam’s Capture – p.5

Figure 4- 31 Surrender Widely Seen As a Total Humiliation

Figure 4- 32 Initial Focus was on Identification

Figure 4- 33 Bearding The Tyrant

Figure 4- 34 Bush's Comments on Hussein's Capture

Figure 4- 35 A Scaffold's Dark Portrait of Iraq

Figure 4- 36 Shi'ite-Sunni Rift laid bare by Hanging

Figure 4- 37 Iraq to Probe Disorder at Hussein's Execution

Figure 4- 38 In Hussein's Last Minutes, Emphatic Justifications

Figure 4- 39 Saddam's Alleged Reign of Terror

Figure 4- 40 Iraqis Shocked, Shamed by Hussein's Sullied Image

Figure 4- 41 Hussein in Custody

Figure 4- 42 Former President Demanded Absolute Loyalty

Figure 4- 43 Pentagon: Saddam's sons killed in raid – p.1

Figure 4- 44 Pentagon: Saddam's sons killed in raid – p.2

Figure 4- 45 Thousands flock to Saddam's grave

Figure 4- 46 4 Years After Hussein's Fall, Regret in Iraq

Figure 4- 47 Back to Eden: Restoring the Marshes of Iraq

Figure 4- 48 Americans Rejoice but Nothing Really Changes

Figure 4- 49 Elation Gives Way to Dread of Daily Life

Figure 4- 50 FBI interviews detail Saddam Hussein's fear of Iran, WMD bluff – p.1

Figure 4- 51 FBI interviews detail Saddam Hussein's fear of Iran, WMD bluff – p.2

Figure 4- 52 Shifts in Iran Drove Bush to Alter Policy

Figure 4- 53 Piers Morgan Tonight: Interview with Tom Brokaw

Figure 4- 54 Tehran's Definite 'Maybe'


Chapter 5


Figure 5- 1 Lion Manifestation of Mithra

Figure 5- 2 The Symbolism of Mithra as Guardian of the Boundries between Heaven and Earth

Figure 5- 3 Mithra in a Cave Slaying a Bull

Figure 5- 4 The Apotheosis of Washington (annotated)

Figure 5- 5 Washington as a Composite of Jupiter and Mithra

Figure 5- 6 George Washington Trail in West Virginia

Figure 5- 7 The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson, p.1

Figure 5- 8 The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson, p.2

Figure 5- 9 The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson, p.3


Chapter 6


Figure 6- 1 Aerial View of the Washington, DC Mall Area

Figure 6- 2 The Washington DC Mall Area with Annotations


Chapter 7 – no figures


Chapter 8


Figure 8- 1 The Apotheosis of Washington

Figure 8- 2 Mithra on a Rainbow

Figure 8- 3 George Washington as Patreae Peter

Figure 8- 4 Allegorical Sketch of Columbus' Triumph

Figure 8- 5 Idols will go Mad with Terror

Figure 8- 6 Washington as a Composite of Jupiter and Mithra

Figure 8- 7 Conflicts Shaped Two Presidencies


Chapter 9


Figure 9- 1 U.S. Capitol Plumb Line to Sub-basement Tomb

Figure 9- 2 President Ford aying in State

Figure 9- 3 President Ford Lies in State at same time Saddam Hussein is Executed

Figure 9- 4 At Capitol, VIP Roll Call has many No-Shows


Chapter 10 – no figures


Chapter 11


Figure 11-1 Satanic Temple statue joins holiday display in Illinois Capitol

Figure 11- 2 U.S. Capitol Cornerstone - $40.44 - Cover Page

Figure 11- 3 U.S. Capitol Cornerstone - $40.44

Figure 11- 4 United Airlines Flight 93 Origin - Newark, NJ

Figure 11- 5 Latitude of Newark, NJ







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