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Saddam Hussein - The Modern-Day King of Babylon


The Spiritual Aspects of the War in Iraq


The map as shown below was taken from page 92 of the "Development of the United States Capital published by the Government Printing Office in 1930 and reveals that the Mall area is situated within the imagery of a Fish that is cradled between the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers located within the boundaries of Washington, D.C. 


The symbolism of the "fish" that identifies the Mall area lying geographically within the enclosures of the city spiritually connects Washington, DC to Iraq - specifically Nineveh, the great fish city - modern day Mosul.


In Biblical times Nineveh, like Washington DC, was represented by the picture of a fish inside the enclosure of a city.  "The name of Nineveh is written Ninua and Nina in the cuneiform inscriptions.  A popular etymology connected it with the Assyrian nunu, 'fish,' at a very early date, since the name is ideographically represented by the picture of a fish inside the enclosure of a city". 


C20-Capitol Fish-1.jpg


The Great Nineveh Fish


America's portrayal of the Nineveh Fish that surrounds the environs of our nation's Capitol is one of the Spiritual Cords that Binds America to Spiritual Babylon - modern-day Iraq.  And, this Fish helps us to understand the Spiritual Aspects of the War between America, Iraq and the spirits that were operating behind both Saddam Hussein, a modern-day King of Babylon, and America. 


This "Great Fish" is also symbolic of "leviathan".  According to (H3867) Leviathan is also a Symbol of Babylon (modern day Iraq) where modern day Nineveh is located.


In the context of Scripture,

  • Leviathan is a large sea-monster - Job 41, as well as
  • a piercing serpent - the dragon that is in the sea (Isaiah 27:1). 


Job 41:1 1 “Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook or press down his tongue with a cord? ESV


Isaiah 27:1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea


According to Strong's H8565 "dragon" in Isaiah 27:1 identifies either a serpent or sea monster such as a whale.


The Spirit Behind American's Economic Crisis:  In the context of Scripture, the word Leviathan (H3882) comes from a primitive root (H3867) that means "To Borrow as a form of Obligation" - to lend in the sense the borrower joins himself to the lender.  Hence, in lending and borrowing America has joined herself to that old ancient serpent the devil. And, it is significant that Ezekiel 28:15-18 reveals that not only did our adversary sin in his pride - but verse 16 and 18 reveals that by the "multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou has sinned" and "by the iniquity of thy traffick".   Hence, Revelation 13:16-17 reveals that  no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the Beast.  In addition to Leviathan being a symbol of Babylon (modern day Iraq) Leviathan is also symbolic of Satan.


The Prophet Jeremiah gives us an idea as  how the "spiritual influence" of one geographical area spreads across the sea to another geographical area - for example from Babylon to America.  Jeremiah  used the symbolism of spreading vines to convey a spiritual truth.  Just as vines that grow and spread in a garden cause destruction to crops – “spiritual influence” can grow and spread like tendrils from one geographical area to another causing spiritual destruction.  Jeremiah 48:32 


And, these “tendrils of influence” or "spiritual cords" bind America to Iraq and describes the Babylonian influence produced by the vines that sprung up and started to grow from the roots planted by our founding fathers when they incorporated the ideology of the ancient Babylonians into the founding of America.  As these tendrils continue to grow and reach maturity they continue to influence America in a way that is  extremely destructive to our country. 


In addition to the footprint of the Great Nineveh Fish that surrounds our nation's mall area - another Spiritual Cord that binds Iraq to America is the marble relief portrait of Hammurabi, King of Babylon depicted over the gallery doors of the House Chamber - one of 23 historical figures noted for their influence that underlie American law.  Given  that Hammurabi claims he was called by the gods to establish the rule of righteousness in the land, then we know  there is a spiritual cord that binds the pagan gods of Hammurabi to America as well.      


Needless to say, there are Spiritual Cords that Bind America to Spiritual Babylon - modern-day Iraq.  There is no doubt that there is a spiritual aspect of the War between America, Iraq and the spirits that were operating behind both Saddam Hussein, a modern-day King of Babylon, and America.







Saddam Hussein

The Modern-Day King of Babylon




The Spiritual Aspects of the War in Iraq





“Mr. George showed him [Saddam Hussein] one of the original bricks stamped with the name of Nebuchadnezzar II and the construction date, which was around 605 B.C.  The Iraqi leader instantly suggested that the bricks used in the re-creation bear a similar inscription… ‘In the reign of the victorious Saddam Hussein, the president of the Republic, may God keep him, the guardian of the great Iraq and the renovator of its renaissance and the builder of its great civilization, the rebuilding of the great city of Babylon was done in 1987.’  It goes on to mention the name and the date of the earlier despot, inexorably linking the two.


“Hussein’s Babylon: A Beloved Atrocity,” Neil MacFarquhar, The New York Times, August 19, 2003




Page of dedication: 

We give Him all the honor and all the glory!



Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you;

but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.  Luke 10:20


And, I rejoice that my name is written in heaven!






Table of Contents




Chapter 1

Chapter Summaries

Chapter 2


Chapter 3



Man's Spiritual Enemy & the Law of Double Reference

Type and Antitype


1. Reliefs in the House Chamber


Relief of Hammurabi

2. Development of the United States Capital

Cover Page

The U.S. Capital "Fish" linking Washington, DC with ancient Nineveh

3.  Fallow's Bible Encyclopedia

Cover Page

Nineveh – a "fish" inside the enclosure of a city – p.1238

Nineveh – a "fish" inside the enclosure of a city – p.1239

4.  The Sunni Triangle

Location of the Sunni Triangle in Iraq

The Sunni Triangle

Mosul constitutes the uppermost tip of the Sunni Triangle


5. Spiritual Triangles

Chapter 4

December 13, 1998 and the Capture & Execution of Saddam Hussein

Then (1998) & Now (2003):  The Downfall of the King of Babylon


1. Receipts verifying that I was at the Capitol on December 13, 1998

American Express Card invoice, page 1

American Express Card invoice, page 2

Parking Receipt and Explanations

2. Bill Clinton's decision to attack Iraq on December 13, 1998

Clinton's decision comes the same day I read the "Taunt to the King of Babylon"

3. Saddam Hussein captured on December 13, 2003 at 8:30pm

Hussein captured at 8:30pm (equivalent to 12:30pm Washington, DC time)

Conversion of Washington, DC time to the time in Iraq

Additional confirmation of Hussein's capture on December 13, 2003 at 8:30pm

4. Saddam Hussein claims to be the modern-day King of Babylon

Isaiah 14:4 "You will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon"

Confirmation that Saddam Hussein claimed to be the modern-day King of Babylon

Saddam Hussein brought down to the grave – Poetic Justice

Saddam Hussein born in Tikrit, birthplace of sultan Saladin

5. Saddam Hussein claims to be Nebuchadnezzar's successor

How We Got Saddam – page 1

How We Got Saddam - page 2

Rebuilding Babylon

6. The Taunt spoken in sub-basement of the Capitol

Lincoln's Catafalque seen from inside the tomb

Washington's Tomb with Lincoln's Catafalque inside (1)

Washington's Tomb with Lincoln's Catafalque inside (2)

Close-up view of Lincoln's Catafalque

Lincoln's Catafalque

Hussein's "grave-like" hole

Hussein's "hole dug under a small hut"

Hussein's Bunker

Isaiah 14:19 Hussein as a "carcase" underfoot

7. Hussein was taunted when he was captured and his rule ceased

"President Bush sends his regards"

President Bush bids Saddam Hussein "Good riddance"

Saddam's Capture, page 1

Saddam’s Capture, page 2

Saddam's Capture, page 3

Saddam's Capture, page 4

Saddam's Capture, page 5

Arab Reaction to Hussein's Capture

Saddam in Custody – Pulled from rat-infested hole

Hussein was taunted when he was captured and his rule ceased

Bush's Comments on Hussein's Capture - Isaiah 14:4

8. Hussein Taunted at his Execution

The taunt, "Moqtada"(Shiite cleric) at his execution

Shiites Celebrate Hussein's Execution

Witnesses at Hussein's execution mock and jeer him

9. Hussein reign of terror ended, brought down to the sides of the pit

Isaiah 14:15 "Yet thou shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit"

Hussein's reign of terror – Isaiah 14:14, 17 and 4-9

10. Hussein's Sons, Uday and Qusay, killed – Isaiah 14:21-22

Iraqis Shocked, Shamed by Hussein's Sullied Image

Hussein's sons, Uday and Qusay,  killed – Isaiah 14:21-22

Prepare for Slaughter – Isaiah 14:21

Uday, Qusay  killed in raid, page 1

Uday, Qusay  killed in raid, page 2

Isaiah 14:20 "the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned"

11. Isaiah 14:29 Rejoice not

Iraqi Regret

Restoring the Marshlands that Hussein Destroyed

Isaiah 14:29 Americans Rejoice but Nothing Really Changes

Rejoice Not: out of the serpent's root comes a cockatrice

12. The Threat of IRAN

Saddam's Fear of Iran, page 1

Saddam's fear of Iran, page 2

Iranian shifts force U.S. Policy Changes

Hussein tried to deceive Iran about WMD

Iran no longer fears the U.S.

Chapter 5

The Prince of Persia

The Lion Manifestation of Mithra

Principalities and High Places

The Symbolism of Mithra

Mithra and the Principalities over Persia

The Apotheosis of Washington


Washington's Masonic (Mithraic) Cave in West Virginia

The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson – p.1

The Washington Masonic Cave in Old Jefferson - p.2

Chapter 6

Symbolism of Washington DC: The Anatomy of a Fish

Chapter 7


President Lincoln's Catafalque was known as the "Temple of Death"

Chapter 8

President George W. Bush and the Rumor of War

General Petraeus & the War in Iraq

The Temple of Liberty


Hussein and the Bushes

Chapter 9

President Ford & Lincoln’s Catafalque


President Ford Lying in State

President Ford Lies in State at same time Saddam Hussein is Executed

At Capitol, VIP Roll Call has many No-Shows

Chapter 10

Overview of Spiritual Warfare

Chapter 11

Ezekiel 28 & 666: Satan’s Dishonest Trade

666: The Name & Number of the Antichrist is found in Scripture

Scripture Interprets Scripture: The Parable of the Old and the New

The Prince of Tyre & the Tyre Stater are Foreshadowings of the Beast out of the Sea

King Solomon married a Zidonian & opened the door for another woman of Tyre to enter the gates of Israel: Jezebel

The DC Fish

Marketing and the Mark of the Beast

America’s Economic Crisis - $40.44


Satanic Temple statue joins holiday display in Illinois Capitol

U.S. Capitol Cornerstone – Cover Page

U.S. Capitol Cornerstone - $40.44

United Airlines Flight 93 Origin - Newark, NJ

Latitude of Newark, NJ


List of Figures




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